It’s too troublesome to do this!

It’s just choosing a temporary emperor and making them run around with twists and turns. Isn’t that intentional? If sb. had known earlier They won’t let Zhuan Xu abdicate. Let him stay until Hao Tian comes back …… "Dear friends" "What do you think of Xuanqing Taoist people?" After thinking about it, Empress Been gave […]

It’s tension

This is the first Champions League final for all of them. In fact, what Ferguson said is reasonable. Although many players in this Manchester United team have not participated in the Champions League final, after all, there are still some Giggs, a veteran player who participated in the 1999 Champions League final. He can pass […]

And because of the chaos fiend saint heaven’s control over the universe has dropped the freezing point, which is a good time to do things.

Micro-motion in heart Feng Zichen had the idea of doing things. But he didn’t expect this fierce animal chaos to come faster and bigger than he expected. The influence of Bo Guang is beyond many people’s expectation. …… The chaotic source immediately eroded the surrounding veins and spiritual veins with innate Shaqi after it merged […]

Both of them were absorbed in the folding of the gas for a full wick sweet, but no one took the lead. A mountain breeze blew around the branches and leaves, but both of them were as if they had never heard of it.

Because both of them are already very clear in their hearts that they will lose or win or die at the last moment of this duel or be born in the last line! A lux maple leaf suddenly fell slowly from the two people, just passing through the middle of them. At this moment, the […]

"When the demon family attacked the Terran, I suddenly offered a purple star, and it was hard to kill a quasi-saint of the demon family!"

Looking at the direction of Zixing, the wind zichen thought leisurely. …… Pick up Terran in addition to daily practice. There is one more, that is, offering sacrifices to Zixing. However, the wind Zichen, the strength gained by the Terran’s sacrifice to Zixing, did not make it, but silently accumulated his intention to suddenly release […]

Although she doesn’t know what happened this year, she doesn’t know what the story is between this man who protects neon spirit and neon spirit, but she thinks he must love neon spirit and penetrate life and death, and love to the extreme.

Sister, she is so inspired that she is gratified. Mo Qianyu asked people to send them to Tai Hospital quickly, and then let Ye Li go back to the palace to rest, while he himself stayed in Jiefang to let everyone continue digging, saying that he wanted to see if there were any other buried […]