Wei heard the frown and immediately asked shamelessly, "You and I got to know each other at least once, but you didn’t show any respect when you helped me to make an alchemy?"

In the clouds, I made fun of "Haven’t you ever heard of’ Dragon Gate Love’? Besides, you are not my Longmen middleman … "
"The male now join" wei injury is want to also don’t want to casually address unknown.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
The Dragon Tooth Ambassador flatly rejected "a thousand ears don’t accept"
"You … this is too rude?" Wei hurt depressed fan fan heart that dry!
And the cloud and mist, whose posture is vague, makes the dragon’s teeth indifferent, saying, "Longmen loves but recognizes the spirit crystal."
Wei Shang and other characters suddenly woke up when they heard the words of the dragon’s teeth!
Andao’ Yes! I can also spend the spirit crystal to protect Luo Yu if others want to kill her!’
Thinking of this, he suddenly asked with joy, "How many crystal does it take to guard the ghost face?"
Sure enough, I heard that Wei Shang wanted to make an inquiry, and the dragon teeth made me return to the charming "not more than a hundred spiritual crystals"
I also spit out in my heart that this dragon tooth makes my face change like magic, but I didn’t want to hear this day’s price. Wei Shang suddenly exclaimed, "Damn it! A hundred! Are you robbing? "
The most important thing is that Wei feels that he will have a pain in the flesh because he knows Luo Yu well and never believes that Luo Yu will recognize him!
Besides, he didn’t bring so many crystal!
At this time, the Dragon Tooth Messenger woke up in a friendly way. "When the ghost face is born for three days, you may want to hurry up … I will wait for you …"
Charming smile slowly away from the dragon’s teeth.
And the assassination of Luoyu by Death Gate has obviously started, and there is not much time left for him to finish it in three days.
I was going to turn around and leave, but Wei Shang suddenly stopped.
He looked back and looked at the clouds again and smiled faintly. "Three days? Oh ~ I don’t believe you. Do you dare to rush into Kyushu Weihei Prison to assassinate …? "
Obviously, Wei’s injury reacted. Luo Yu was arrested by Kyushu Wei and put into a black prison. How can this dragon gate resist Kyushu Wei in the fairy city even if it is severe? Isn’t it seasoned road!
Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that it was easier to save a hundred spiritual crystals than the most important thing was that he was too wise!
Wei Shang then leisurely shook his hundred flowers folding fan and left.
And soon after he left, a tall and graceful female figure came out of the stone steps.
She wore a tight red robe, a Dai Long tooth, a silver scale mask, and a cloak covered with ink.
That pair of clear and clear Cosmetic Contact Lenses is looking at Taniguchi’s direction and leaving the epiphyllum with a smile.
Chapter 32 BeiYuan Longmen Temple black prison cone mans now
Beidishazhou Binghe North Plain
The wind is cold and the snow is wrapped around a road like fangs. Glaciers stand in the uninhabited North Plains. From a distance, it seems like a beast with a huge mouth trying to devour this vast land.
The huge tower-shaped ice crystal building at the former Xuan Bing Gate in the center of the Beiyuan Glacier still stands tall.
Since Luo Yu’s "visit", the Xuan Bing Gate has vanished, but this ice crystal tower hall still stands in Beiyuan.
At ten o’clock, the former site of Xuan Bing Gate has now become … Longmen Land.
And this huge ice crystal stepping on the temple root square ice crystal giant columns are located on both sides of the dark and cold hall, and the crystal carving dragons are lifelike and claws are fierce.
But strangely, the colors of the left and right ice crystal columns are different! It’s dark and golden, and each giant column has a figure in a white or black cloak. They hang their heads slightly and can’t see clearly, but everyone exudes the momentum of the strong.
And in the deepest part of this hall, on the side of the SPAR platform, sits a mysterious figure of Dai Long, the first mask of a head. His figure has not moved like a statue! And just sitting quietly seems to have bursts of coercion, like a dragon overlooking an ant.
Look at this casual display of power, you can know that it is a ghost.
This man is the dragon head who controls the second door of life and death in Longmen!
At the moment, there is a burning hall top in the middle of the hall, and the Joan light shines like jinxia, bathing a man with a cloak kneeling on one knee.
Those who wear black dragon cloak and black scales in Longmen die; Those who wear a white cloak with a dragon pattern and a white nail face are born with a door, while those who wear a cloak and hood cover their faces are heard by thousands of people in Longmen.
Obviously, this man is a thousand-ear messenger.
Seeing this news, I respectfully reported with my head slightly lowered and my hand held, "Report back that Samsung, the first dead door, killed the madman for three days, and the ghost face has changed."
There is no rest in the high platform dragon sitting.
But the person who is closest to the high platform, the mysterious black column, is dressed in a black cloak, is old and scolds, "How dare Samsung assassinate you to disturb the first seat?" Little devil, it will take me three days to die? "
The messenger didn’t seem to be afraid of the speaker, but he looked up slightly and answered, "Are you?"? I’m afraid it’s not easy for you to die, is it? "