The next ice fox pouted and said, "You are brothers, so what am I?"

"Ha ha, I forgot my brothers and sisters! Don’t be angry, Sister Bing! "
This ice elder sister is called the ice fox. Hehe, Lian Xiao seems that she also likes me as a younger brother. This time, after the three hands are folded together, we discuss the formation of a guild. First of all, we reject blood and give his opinions.
"At present, we are mainly few people, and the most attractive thing is that there are three kinds of strengths: strength, fame and friendship. We are single, but there is still a gap between the overall strength and the worst guild. If you talk about your elegant things, you will definitely be famous, but I don’t know if the third friendship is good or bad. But what about you?"
As soon as you hear the question, how can we get people together? This is a serious problem. I don’t know how many people can be recruited by disease and dark fire, but it is always impossible to get together these 100 people. It seems that we must find another way.
"Brother Bloody, for now, we have three things to do."
"oh? What are three things Yidi must do? " It’s strange that the ice fox is listening to it. Everything about building a guild should be put aside. What is more important than building a guild now?
"That’s it!" I told them about our experience yesterday, and they were surprised to hear it.
"The game really changed so much? I still published those items. I didn’t realize that even NPCs have feelings and people abandoned by games. What did you just say? Payon is ruled by moonlit cats? Is this … is this possible? "
"It’s not possible. It’s a fact. I heard it with my own ears yesterday and said what to do with outsiders and then recruit monsters. It seems that now, not only players have guilds, but even monsters have established power. After players want to kill senior monsters, they can’t rise to the level without forming a team or the whole army to practice."
"My emperor! This … this is amazing. "
"So we must do three things and get ready."
"Tell me which three things I can do. No problem. At most, I’ll take a week off with the company."
"It’s not one of them to look for the new cities in Tongli,’ Neverland-Kemo Island’ and’ Snow City-Snow County’"
"What is this? No one should know about these two cities now? "
"This is too difficult to explain temporarily, and then explain it slowly."
"Well, what about the second one?"
"The second thing is the Day Challenge. I want you both to take part in it, and you must get the place."
"I was going to take part in this. No problem!"
"Besides, I have four pieces of equipment for you to take first."
I took four things out of my backpack.
Tianyi Moon Dance Defense+7 Magic Resistance increased by 2% Special skill [Gengetsu Dance] Level 3 Armor.
One hole wind scale armor defense+5 wind attribute armor special skill [wind] level 3 armor
One-hole staff, spirit intelligence+5 magic attack power increased by 2%, third-level weapon.
Christmas Polly card increases holy magic power by 3% and equips position weapons.
Blood-repellent and ice fox looked at these four kinds of equipment and then looked at my face and immediately said, "Yidi, what do you mean?" Do you look down on my brother so much? Am I such a person? "
"Look at what you say because we are brothers. These are all yours, especially the Christmas Polly card with heavenly clothes, moon dance, holy staff and heroic spirit. This is almost tailor-made by Sister Bing. Why not?"
"Look at this wind scale armor, which has the wind attribute, and the skill [wind] can increase the player’s movement speed, which is very suitable for your monk profession. You can’t refuse to refuse, but you look down on your brother and me!"
"This … this how line?" It is difficult to say that blood is rejected.
"Look at your age and don’t understand Yidi’s meaning, just accept it!" Ice fox beside pushed the blood and said
"You’re welcome to my brother, too. The strength of these three things can be doubled in Europe, and this Christmas Polly card is very rare. How did you get it?"
"Well, when I was catching angel Polly, I often saw Christmas in Polly Island. By the way, Polly cleaned it up and typed this card, but none of our priests didn’t."
"By the way? Haha, do you know what the current market price of this Christmas Polica is? "
"20 thousand RO coins"
"Originally escape brother know! What is the third thing? "
"Well, the third thing is a bit tricky and I will give you a surprise when I have to do it myself!"
"Ha ha, you bad guy dare to hide from us that I don’t play scratch ~"
"Don’t you dare ~" I ran away from my seat for the first time and enjoyed myself in this narrow hotel.
Chapter IV Initial Model of Auction
Chapter IV Initial Model of Auction
I walked alone in the streets of the capital to find the addresses of the two new cities. When they left, I realized that I had no place to train, and I didn’t seem willing. After all, even if I trained to LV99, I didn’t know if I would be reborn. Who told me to practice this new career?
However, I also feel that I haven’t walked easily in the capital for a long time. After this walk, I realized that the players in the game have changed as much.
Now the streets are full of pets, such as the most common Polly, whose pet skill is to help pick up things, and the green cotton worm, which can spit and attack, but the attack power is just … In addition, wolves, chickens, dogs, wild boars and other pets have caused me to go to the zoo. These low-level monster pets are almost hand-damaged, which makes me a pet but dare not take it out and be treated as an alternative by other players.
In addition, I also found that there are a lot more second-round players, especially knights, crusaders, assassins, hunters, blacksmiths, wizards and priests. It can be said that the streets are flooded with these seven professions, while the other five professions can be said to be few. I can’t help but wonder if the other five professions are really so few. Think about it immediately after I saw the introduction of the game, because the other six classes except Crusader are taught in the introduction of the game, such as practicing. I believe many players are too lazy to study and practice these classes directly, while the other six classes have to figure out the gap by themselves. It is very easy to reflect, and I heard that the professional player of Crusader suddenly became popular because he didn’t participate in a challenge and won.
I can’t help but think about the strength of blood repellent and disease therapy. I believe that after this challenge, the number of sage and monk players will also increase.
Walking and watching the players’ clothes and weapons besides pets also opened my eyes. I have never seen a crusader’s armor covered with thorns. If the monks really hit these fists as weapons, the result can be imagined, but a hunter’s back is not a bow, but a crossbow is much bigger than a bow, almost as long as his whole person. I just don’t know how much physical strength or strength the hunter has to add to get this crossbow.
In addition, there are many priests who no longer wear ordinary purple. Pastors wear all kinds of strange ancient ornaments and comb all kinds of hairstyles. You can see that they are priests and you can rely on their badges on their chests. It suddenly occurred to me that there is a special barber shop to take care of these hairstyles. Otherwise, how can you comb them out?
So I asked someone to ask if there really is such a barbershop, and all kinds of hairstyles can be done at once. I really admire the idea of expanding businessmen, but on second thought, if you want to make money in the game, you have to be creative. What about making money? There seems to be no auction department in the game. How about selling the original funds in those days?
It seems that I can’t figure it out, so I’d better wait until I sleep. This convenient and quick way is certainly better than me thinking hard here.
This time, I came to Nanmen Street as crowded as the market, and the vendors’ hawking was actually different from that before the game was upgraded. In the previous game, the hawking was "the equipment is very cheap!" And now selling is "ornaments, make-up, love witnesses are very beautiful and necessary for sending boyfriends and girlfriends"