At first glance, the laughter sounds like nature, but you can savor it carefully. There is a bloodthirsty breath in the sound, as if it came from hell, and it is "swinging" in the middle of the night. "Chu Yihua, you can understand my original mood now. How good is this feeling?"

Chu Yihua stared at the water ripple on that beautiful whole face like hell shura puffed up bloodthirsty horror. He repeatedly retreated a few steps back and just wanted to fly away. Suddenly, his waist was entangled in something. He felt that a force involved his body and suddenly fell to the ground.
In an instant, his back hit the ground, and it hurt in the slightest precaution. He felt a stream of blood coming from his throat. "Poof!" He immediately rolled sideways and wiped the blood on his mouth with the back of his hand. It was unbelievable to look at the water ripple. I didn’t expect her strength to be so deep that she knocked him to the ground and hurt him [
Water ripple month pulled Xuan Tian Ling to see a white light swish into her cuff, red tassel Luo Xi clutched the weapon foot in his hand and took off to attack Chu Yihua.
In the process of three people fighting, a black shadow came to Shuilian Moon’s side like a flash, and an arm held her in her arms. Shuilian Moon was at ease in the bearer’s arms, and her nose was full of his smell, which made her feel comfortable. "Why did you come back again?" She gathered up all the cold breath and asked with a gentle and lovely smile.
Look at the Nangong Yu’s face turned black at this time, and his eyes were gloomy. Looking at Chu Yihua’s figure, he heard the question from his bosom. He slowed down and said, "It’s just when I arrived at the barracks that someone came to report that someone broke into the palace. I’m afraid you’ll have something to do before you get back."
The smile of Shui Lian Yue is deeper and some Nai’s body still smells of sweat. It can be seen that he is coming back to the barracks without stopping, and it will take an hour or two without stopping. At that time, a sense of happiness will spread to her heart because her man cares very much about her, and this feeling of being valued and cared about by people makes her feel extremely sick.
"Look, you didn’t bathe until you were sweating." Water ripple month broke the Nangong Yu arm and took out Xuantian Ling from the cuff to carefully wipe his forehead.
The tender picture was seen by Chu Yihua, and his heart seemed to have been pricked by a needle. When did that cold mountain man look at her and make things difficult for her, but now he has her heart?
"Ah" suddenly he roared like a madman, his eyes were red and his face was ferocious, and the short dagger in his sleeve was in his hand. He chopped all the way in the direction of the Nangong Yushui Moon and went to the red tassel Luoxi. Where did he get a Leng Yue machete and a black iron sword to block his way, only to be turned away by Chu Yihuali?
Water ripple month just after the Nangong Yu wiped the sweat, the body was flashed aside by Nangong Yu to avoid Chu Yihua’s stab. His other hand was red and he secretly hit Chu Yihua’s chest with a palm. Instead of hitting him, it was a powerful force to shake Chu Yihua out. "Poof" Chu Yihua fell to the ground and one mouthful blood gushed out.
"Chu Yihua, how dare you break into Wangfu and hurt Princess Wang? Hum, you can’t go back alive today." With a bloodthirsty murder in his black eyes, Nangong Yu’s voice just fell, and he flashed several figures. At first glance, it was not Wangfu people.
Those figures quickly surrounded Chu Yihua. At this moment, several figures flashed in. Now the small courtyard is full of people, and others are shadows.
"Report to my report has gathered all assassins together." Qingmadao saluted the Nangong Yu and said respectfully.
The nangongshan Yu black eyes narrowed a cold light "shot" out with a wave of his arm "to the king will they dismembered ten thousand pieces"
Water ripple month eyebrows pick her when Xiao Yu became so vicious.
But these are normal in Nangong Yu’s view, but he loves the people and sympathizes with the generals. It doesn’t mean that others can ride on his neck and throw their weight around. What’s worse, now his moon is his lamella, and no one can hurt the moon. Even if a word is harmful to the moon, he will cut the man’s mouth to feed the dog, let alone Chu Yihua. If he wants to hurt him, the moon is simply dying.
Now, he has learned a lesson from the past. If there is a trouble in Wangfu, he can’t wait to fly back with a pair of wings. Once he lost it, he can’t even take the moon away from him.
Fierce fighting is going on outside, but the house is a different kind of scenery. Nangong Yu holds Shuilian Moon to the bed and can’t wait to untie her long dress, which is called to see if she is injured.
Shui Lianyue feels that her eyebrows are twitching. She has said several times that she is fine, but this man doesn’t believe anything. Well, let him check. She didn’t let him do it.
"Hey Xiaoyu, you are so unkind. How much tofu have you eaten from me in such a short time? Do you have such a caring person?" Finally, you can’t help but roar.
Nangong Yu has a face of koo expression, and Koo Zhong still has a deep meaning. "Isn’t it too uneasy for the moon to be me?"
"What don’t trust old niang kung fu is worse than you?"
"Moon what old niang old niang where are you really"
""Shui Lianyue mercilessly stared at Nangong Yu, and Nangong Yu also consciously helped Shui Lianyue wear a long dress with a face thicker than the wall.
The fighting outside is getting smaller and smaller. Soon, Qingniao came to the door and told me that "the report of the death department of the report was dismembered by Chu Yihua and escaped."
Green madadayo was covered in blood, and her face was also sprayed with blood. I couldn’t see her face. There was no way to let the report order her to be chopped up.
Red tassel Luoxi had already left here and ran to the stump outside the hospital to force two women to spit out bile.
There was thick blood everywhere in the courtyard. At this time, the shadow was already cleaning up the Nangong Yu quickly. When Chu Yihua heard that he had escaped, he was just about to listen to the sound of the water rippling like a clear spring. "Come and flee. I didn’t want him to die. He is now a Chu family. Even if he kills him today, his brother can take his place as a family. It’s not urgent to kill him. Anyway, he is so badly injured that he may not be able to live when he goes back. Just scamper around."
Don’t look at these words, it can be regarded as a solution to the crisis. You know, letting the enemy go in front of the report is equivalent to the punishment of Lingyunmen, which is not affordable for ordinary people.
"Yes, Princess" Qingniao was ordered to flee for life and left the hospital.
Nangong Yunai shook his head, his fingertips gently touched some water, and his nose was full of "color" judo. "You know that they should be punished if they do something wrong."
Shui Lianyue did not answer, "Then what should be divided? Chu Yihua is scheming. It is expected that he can escape. Otherwise, the family can afford it."
Nangong Yu is not holding Shui Lianyue tightly in his words. It seems that he didn’t go back to the barracks that night, but stayed with Shui Lianyue. Two people are going to swim in the deep sea again.
It is said that Chu Yihua escaped from Lingnan City. He was seriously injured in addition to trauma. He took out fifty dead men and was killed. He struggled alone and didn’t dare to stay overnight and rushed back to Chu’s house until he entered the door.
When he woke up, it was already three days later, and he opened his eyes, his first sentence was to see the Queen Mother Chu.
Because my aunt was so right, Shui Lianyue’s words were exactly the same. My aunt said that if Yancheng fell to the Chu family, it would be an extinct family. It was a pity that he was still immersed in the news that Shui Lianyue was still alive.
Now it’s not too late to figure it out. He will never let people move the Chu family.
Today is the Nangong Yunongling Peace Talks Day, which is about to be held in Lingnan City, Huaigu City. However, Nangongling chose a place close to Huaigu City and a little far from Lingnan City. h3 people have something to say. h3 urala ~ Tutu is singing happily ~
[∷ Update quickly ∷ ∷ Plain text ∷]
Chapter two hundred and ninety-six stillbirth
Outside the city of Huaigu, tens of thousands of soldiers lined up neatly. A general who was ready to lead the troops was Jiao Guanghai. He frowned and looked at the slope not far away. The Nangong Ling was the head of a group of troops.
Nangong Ling deliberately took the peace talks place on the nearest slope to Huaigu City. Jiao Guanghai thought that it was impossible for Yu Wang to promise by such obvious means, but he never imagined that Yu Wang had promised Nangong Ling to set the place near Huaigu City.
He really doesn’t want Yu Wang Bingrong to face each other. He knows that Nangong Ling is planning, but he can inform Yu Wang Yinshan to swim around him all day without leaving him a gap. Even if Yin Shan is not here, there will be others around him. It’s really busy.
In the distance, Nangong Ling rode a marooned horse, followed by 500 guards and hundreds of masters he brought to hide and listen to him at any time.
Similarly, across the street, a group of horses came from Nangong Yushou’s ghost brake, but he brought ten soldiers and fifty Lingyunmen killers dressed as guards, which was not as terrible as Nangong Ling’s. At this time, he seemed to be visiting and a group of people came slowly with their legs in the horse’s belly.
It is said that the soil slope is actually a relatively high convex land in the two cities, surrounded by dense forests. Today, the weather is very bad, and the sun gets up in the morning, but it becomes particularly cloudy at noon. When the wind faintly smells of "tide", Shui Lianyue told him that it will rain today, and each of them in this group has an oil umbrella.
The two sides are separated by a ditch, which is one person deep and half a person wide. Nangong Ling sent someone to dig a ditch the day before, and it was also Nangong Ling who ordered people to add thorns.
When Nangong Ling saw Nangong Yu’s eyes, a narrow flash of gloom crossed her eyes. I didn’t expect that Nangong Yu had not only been cured of poison for several days, but also had a luxurious spirit. His brow was domineering and dignified, and he had never seen that cold and arrogant temperament, which seemed to contain great tenacity to let people take a look at the post.
Nangong Yu also looked at Nangong Ling for a long time, but he didn’t see his hostility to him more "dew". The hatred in his eyes was afraid that even if he died in front of him, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of his anger. He could see that he was a ruthless and cold-blooded lover with a straight face [
Nangong Yu looked at Nangong Ling’s crushing crowd behind him and couldn’t help but hook the corners of his mouth with a hint of sarcasm. I’m afraid Nangong Ling himself doesn’t know what Nangong Yu meant by sarcasm. You brought more than 500 people with you, and tens of thousands of troops are waiting for your orders, which shows how powerful Nangong Yu is to you. Perhaps you are afraid of Nangong Yu?
A few muffled thunder sounded faintly at the end of the sky, and a few flashes fell not far away, which made the gloomy sky blink.
Water ripple on this side waited until Nangong Yu took people out of Lingnan City, and she also launched an action. She took the red tassel and forgot her worries and rushed to the palace to order Dolly Palace to meet her outside the palace.
It’s hard to wait until Nangong Ling is not in the palace. Although there are still guards in the palace, Nangong Ling must have brought many people to the peace talks to guard the nature.
Shui Lian Yue Hong Ying forgot his worries, and the three men rode and whipped through the mountain on the south side of Huaigu City to avoid being seen.
Yancheng city gate opened a small crack, and a person went in and out. Outside the gate, the people had lined up for rain, but they were not afraid of the fact that the gate was opened once every three days. Many people wanted to go out or return to their families. How urgent it was, they had to wait for three days. Today, although a crack was opened, the people still couldn’t bear to wait until the gate was opened once in the current campaign. When might it be?