It’s tension

This is the first Champions League final for all of them.
In fact, what Ferguson said is reasonable. Although many players in this Manchester United team have not participated in the Champions League final, after all, there are still some Giggs, a veteran player who participated in the 1999 Champions League final. He can pass on their experience to his teammates.
Although Ryan Giggs didn’t play this game, Scholes started the game, and he wore the captain’s armband, which still influenced Manchester United and made the young people of Manchester United feel at ease.
But there is no such figure in Lazio.
Captain Sey Passareira is too silent and too young, and he has no experience in the Champions League final. What information can he give his teammates?
The first Champions League final in life … Everyone will have their own dreams.
At that time, every performance in the competition will be widely broadcast along with the live broadcast …
If you do well, you will be famous all over the world, but if you don’t do well … maybe you will become the object of ridicule by everyone!
Various thoughts got into the minds of Lazio players in the minutes before the game.
Then they went out to play with what idea.
When Chang Sheng is in front of the coach on the sidelines of the Champions League final again, it’s hard to feel a surge of emotion
After the 2324 season, he has not appeared in the top stage of European competitions for four seasons.
In fact, it’s only four seasons, but he feels like it’s been a long time, as if it’s been a century apart
Once he was a rookie on this stage.
Now he has had two finals experience like Ferguson next door.
I came back by myself
Listening to the Champions League theme song played on the scene, I was sure that I belonged here.
Champions League … Final!
The top competition in European football is a good place to really become famous here!
I haven’t been here for four years. Do you remember yourself in European football?
But no, if you don’t remember, you will win, reminding them of the name "tyrant".
Chang Sheng was so busy with the heart and the surge of emotion that he found that he had neglected one thing after the game.
That is to forget to do a psychological construction for this team …
Before the game, he talked about tactics but not psychology.
These players are a little nervous when they arrive at the stadium!
Changsheng feels headache …
A football game is not like a basketball game. If it is a basketball game, it is always better to have a pause and then get the players together for a short time to boost their morale and appease their nervousness and excitement.
I believe there will be no problem in this way.
Now …
He can hope that the players will adjust themselves soon.
Ferguson is an old fox. Changsheng found that his players were a little nervous, and he naturally saw it.
So his horse stepped out of the coach’s seat and gave instructions to Manchester United to strengthen their offensive against Lazio!
When Chang Sheng saw it, he also went to the sidelines and roared, "Give me attention and abandon your distractions!"
Unfortunately, this is too general, and in the crowded Luzhniki Stadium, most players can’t hear him at all.
Ferguson told the players to step up their offensive.
Calm the players yourself. Can you gesture?
Manchester United quickly stepped up their offensive in Ferguson.
Lazio, on the other hand, didn’t get back to normal by yelling at the winning streak.
Lazio was beaten by Manchester United from the game.
They usually run with the characteristics and don’t play them out.
Instead, I fell into the rhythm of Manchester United.
"It seems that the Lazio boys are a little nervous … they can’t let go … Ferguson said that the Champions League final is a place to pay attention to experience …" The commentator also quickly saw Lazio’s dilemma
Because Lazio players are stiff.
In fact, they also found themselves a little nervous.
But when they realized that they were nervous, they were even more nervous …
This is a vicious circle …
They seem to be physically different from themselves.
The tension reached its climax in the seventeenth minute.
Because Manchester United scored!
"cristiano ronaldo! Cristiano ronaldo! Cristiano-Ronaldo! ! !”
The commentator won the victory and repeated the name of the scorer.