Although she doesn’t know what happened this year, she doesn’t know what the story is between this man who protects neon spirit and neon spirit, but she thinks he must love neon spirit and penetrate life and death, and love to the extreme.

Sister, she is so inspired that she is gratified.
Mo Qianyu asked people to send them to Tai Hospital quickly, and then let Ye Li go back to the palace to rest, while he himself stayed in Jiefang to let everyone continue digging, saying that he wanted to see if there were any other buried people or things.
The so-called buried person is that Feng Ying Mo wants to see people and die to see the body. He must want to make sure that Feng Ying Mo is dead.
In her memory, although Feng Yingmo and he are monarch and minister, they are more like friends. Feng Yingmo has always been his right-hand man, and they have always been consistent with each other.
What happened to make them into this situation today?
"Huangfengtai mainly does this?"
After all, the enemy can’t help wondering whether the carriage left the night before or asked to be devoted to thousands of feathers
If you don’t understand her, it’s like there’s a heavy stone in her heart that makes her breathless.
Mo Qianyu looked at her and was silent for a long time before reaching out and holding her in her arms and sighing in a low voice, "Ah, there are many things you don’t know, and at that time, he betrayed me. Now he is a fugitive, probably knowing that you are the one I care about most, and you want to hijack you to threaten me."
Betrayal? On the run?
Night away from some shock.
No wonder you dare not go the right way. You have to go through this tunnel.
Sure enough, just like her guess.
Leaving the carriage at night
I don’t know if the doubt was solved, but the boulder in her heart did not disperse, but it still suffocated her.
After returning to the palace, I have been thinking about this matter and asked the two maids who served her in Ziying Palace.
Devoted to thousands of feathers, she didn’t tell everyone that Phoenix Shadow Ink was also in the andao, and she must have been unwilling to cause any correction, so she also asked politely.
She asked, "Do you know the owner of Fengtai?"
Who knows that the two ladies-in-waiting were scared out of what they were holding at the same time, and then they were so nervous that they said they didn’t know.
Night away is very surprised.
What did Feng Ying Mo do to make these two ladies-in-waiting talk about his fear of becoming like this?
Looks like we have to wait for neon to wake up and ask her.
I remember that in the dark tunnel, Neon Ling heard that Phoenix Shadow Ink shouted at the end, "Phoenix Shadow Ink, listen to me …"
Obviously, it must be understanding.
When Mo Qianyu came to Ziying Palace, it was already late at night, and he had just come back from Piandian to personally clean the neon spirit.
Neon spirit hasn’t woken up yet
At night, I left a thin nightgown and sat in front of the bronze mirror, unloading my hair. Because I had been thinking about my heart, I didn’t see the stranger thousands of feathers enter until a look up and found that there was suddenly one more person in the bronze mirror.
"Why is the emperor here?"
Mo Qianyu embraced her from behind with open arms, buried her face near her neck, closed her eyes and sniffed "I miss you."
Night from instantaneous stiff body.
Because it’s summer, the nightgown is very thin and loose, and he hugs it. On one side, the neckline slides to the shoulder, and a lot of skin is exposed.
White as porcelain, smooth as satin.
Xiang Yan ru si
Mo Qianyu kissed her shoulder socket conveniently.
Breathe heavily
Night away is even more afraid to move.
Hot lips, wet tongue, licking her skin lustfully.
Night away from the same breathing instability dumb change the subject.
"The emperor … quit Fang thing … how?"
Fell on her shoulders and lips and paused.
At night, he wanted to answer her, but he kissed her again without a moment.
This time, the movement has also increased a lot
Sucking kiss arch fell in front of her, and the big hand climbed her chest directly through the clothes.
"Leave me at night and want you now."
Dark mute escaped from the man’s lips and teeth, and it was hard to restrain from breathing slightly at night.
"But … but …"
The child in her womb
Seems to know her mind devoted to thousands of feathers will pull her body, let her face her phoenix eyes blazing moment not instantaneous setting her.
"It’s been three months since I left my child at night. Don’t worry that I will not hurt him with discretion …"
Night from staring at him, I don’t know what to refuse.
And it turns out that he doesn’t refuse at this time.