"Then come with me." Eric Suen Yiu Wai grabbed Mo Tianxiang and pulled him into his own chaos.

The best place to do the synthesis experiment is here, so even if the synthesis fails, it can be compensated by the powerful chaotic power, which greatly improves the success rate.
Not only that, Eric Suen Yiu Wai also laid a fixed synthesis method here, and the energy source of intermittent method is also chaotic power
Chaos and divine power have the magical effect of giving life to the dead, and the effect of increasing the synthesis array. Eric Suen Yiu Wai synthetic base can be 100% sure.
What’s more, this time Eric Suen Yiu Wai wants to decompose his synthetic skills. It’s not a living thing, but Mo Tianxiang’s handcuffs and ankles. Even if he fails, there is no harm.
Chapter 239 Rushing Tianmen Old Man in the Night
Chapter 239 Rushing Tianmen Old Man in the Night
Eric Suen Yiu Wai has done it more than once to get rid of the handcuffs and shackles, so this time it is also very handy. However, considering the ten thousand-year-old cold iron treasure, he has been very cautious in the process. This thing can’t be làng. Since the handcuffs and shackles have seal mana, if you want to build a pair of gloves or a weapon, it can also make the enemy temporarily lose mana in battle.
This thing becomes extremely precious when the chaotic vortex has not reached the level that can force the enemy to lose the ability to fight.
Anyway, it is not impossible for the handcuff coach to forge a good set of props if he has a casting master like Ou Ye and a lot of special research and creation of magic weapons and props by Ou Ye.
Although Eric Suen Yiu Wai has a lot of magic weapons around him now, there is nothing like this. This thing is special and magical, and it can even help him to clap his opponent.
As the handcuffs and fetters were fused into a lump of iron, Eric Suen Yiu Wai quickly retreated two steps and then looked at Mo Tianxiang warily.
This is also a precaution. If Mo Tianxiang really suddenly moves against him, these two steps will sometimes make him react.
"Luo Luo Luo" Mo Tianxiang couldn’t help laughing when she saw Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s sample. It was as cold as a snowy mountain. At this time, she felt like a girl next door, with a feeling of peace and harmony.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai awkwardly touched the tip of the nose andao whether his reaction was a little too big, but then again, in the face of such a situation, he really can’t be too careless to lose his face. It’s a trivial matter. If he loses it, he will be finished.
"I’m a little surprised that you are so big, but this bravery is so small." Mo Tianxiang laughed.
"I don’t want to think about the dangerous situation that was almost killed by you yesterday. Can I be careless?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai didn’t good the spirit way.
"Ha ha ha" hear Eric Suen Yiu Wai mo tianxiang instead of laughing is more cheerful.
"Smile fart is so funny." Eric Suen Yiu Wai grumpily threw Mo Tianxiang out of chaos and flew out with him.
It’s still eless Yan House. At this time, eless Yan is sitting cross-legged there. Suddenly, Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Mo Tianxiang come out, and Mo Tianxiang’s hands and ankles have disappeared. So he excitedly threw himself into Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s arms and smiled, "Husband, you made it!"
"Success in this kind of thing is not a piece of cake" Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled and laughed.
"Tianxiang, what are you going to do later?" Eless Yan looked at Mo Tianxiang and asked
"I don’t know, but I should stay here for the time being." Mo Tianxiang thought for a moment. "I don’t want to owe anyone a favor. Since he saved me, I will definitely stay and help him until I feel that I have returned the favor."
"Well, it’s very happy to have a master like you to assist you." Eric Suen Yiu Wai said with a smile.
"Don’t be too proud, but there are two people who have golden blood among the executioners. I can be regarded as the weaker one. That’s because I was poor before I got the golden blood, but the other one is different. The other one was already a saint before I got the golden blood, and it was the most strengthened saint. If he came to assassinate you yesterday, you wouldn’t even have a chance to see him." Mo Tianxiang woke up.
"This is really interesting. I didn’t offend you. Is he going to fight against me?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked with puzzle.
"Punishers never need a reason to kill people, so they can be punished and killed." Mo Tianxiang said naively, "It has been like this since the chaos was not divided."
"It’s no wonder that your sentence will suddenly disappear, and most of them are offended by being too arrogant and overbearing." Eric Suen Yiu Wai left the pie mouth.
"You’re right. In ancient times, the executioner almost wiped out the genocide. There were hundreds of people who had golden blood, but just because of that disaster, there were only two left, and they had to be carefully inherited." Mo Tianxiang’s words were obviously somewhat declining and a little uneasy
"People really can’t be too arrogant. Hey, hey," Eric Suen Yiu Wai suddenly thought of himself. Fortunately, although he offended some people, it was B and he had to marry the others as much as possible.
For example, although Honghuang City said that Qianhou Yi almost killed him, he Honghuang City is not so bad now, and because Honghuang City also needs a large number of mounts for his ranch at present, it is not only not hostile, but also inclined to fit in.
Another example is the two magic deities in the underworld. They are all good.
Anyway, don’t offend anyone from your natural enemies. That’s good. The enemy can’t be without, but the allies can’t be less. Otherwise, you’ll really be attacked like a criminal.
In fact, it’s the same with the netherworld Lord and Yuan Monty. Too many people will be besieged and die because of offending them. They are not strong in repairing, but they haven’t done it yet. If they offend people casually, it’s pure death.
"Is it okay for me to stay?" Mo tianxiang suddenly asked Eric Suen Yiu Wai way
"No problem, it doesn’t matter how long you stay. Just worry," Eric Suen Yiu Wai laughed.
"Don’t regret it, I have sinned against Emperor Yu. Now nearly half of the executioners are intimidated by Emperor Yu and obey him. Although Emperor Yu has no gold blood, he still has silver blood. If he hooks up with another gold blood executioner again, you will be in danger." Mo Tianxiang woke up.
"Can you tell me who the other golden blood executioner is?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked.
"He is more famous than me. He is a famous person in the three realms. He is good at hiding himself. Others don’t know it." Mo Tianxiang smiled. "But I don’t know who he really is."
"You don’t know if you know that he is more famous than you?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked with puzzle.
"That’s what I heard." Mo Tianxiang replied.
"Celebrities in the three realms? Another scheming strong man who is good at hiding himself? Who could it be? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai was puzzled in his heart. After all, there are so many masters in the Three Realms that it is really not easy to really distinguish them.
I can’t think of Sun Yaowei, and I’m too lazy to think about it. Anyway, at this stage, all the so-called threats are just a guess. Will anyone be able to predict and be sure?
After arranging Mo Tianxiang to be accepted by Emperor Ziwei, Eric Suen Yiu Wai chatted with Dong Bingyan in the house. These days, many things they all want to talk about together. Although there are not many common topics, there are a lot of different topics, and they are also very interested in each other’s things, so it doesn’t seem to be much to talk about.
The central heaven in the northern heaven is slightly different. The night in the northern heaven is much longer than the day. Whether it is now or dark, it will be a long time before you want to see the sun.
But this night adds a little bit of làng’s diffuse situation, which gives Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Dong Bingyan the best chance to contact each other.
There was silence outside the temples. Outside the temporary Tianmen, there were two guards, one was a foodie and the other was a ghost.
There is no need to keep so many experts around Eric Suen Yiu Wai now with the protection of Teddy boy. On the contrary, the newly-built Beitianmen is still weak in defense facilities, and the shadow of Titan Y and N has been hanging over here, which makes Eric Suen Yiu Wai dare not have the slightest carelessness. Not only did he send the elite soldiers of the Arctic City to protect near Beitianmen, but he also sent ghosts and foodies to defend.
Suddenly, a figure slowly flew in the distance. It was an old man with white beard and white hair who was about sixty years old. His body really didn’t see any threat, but the ghost and the foodie responded well. Their fighting sense told them that the old man was really dangerous and must not be despised at all.
"who?" Asked before the ghost
"Heaven has its way, man has its way, magic has its way, fairy has its way, and I am heaven …"
Before he could speak, the ghost suddenly shouted, "Are you heaven?"
The man was just about to answer the ghost when he asked, "What the hell happened when Heaven came here from another world?"
The old man shook his head and gave a wry smile, but said indifferently, "It is natural to come here to find your Lord Eric Suen Yiu Wai."
"Looking for our Lord?" The nether world frowned slightly and looked at the old man’s whole body mana has surged.
"Old and malicious, there are some words that I want him to talk about face to face." The old man light way
"Since you are a heavenly thing, you should be a big deal. Why don’t we have a big fight?" This is not the ghost saying that although the ghost is rigid, it will not be so belligerent. This is just the right time to come over to check the situation, said the dungeon
Eric Suen Yiu Wai felt the monstrous fighting spirit from the nether world here in all the temples, so he ordered the dungeon to come and see who knew that this fellow could get into trouble even more than the nether world.
"Ha ha, although the old man doesn’t want to wait, it’s hard for you to refuse the three of you." The old man laughed ha ha.
"It’s enough to deal with you and me alone." The black prison fellow has been losing streak recently, but his confidence has not been hit at all. Instead, he is still so arrogant. It seems that he doesn’t really need to be humiliated. He doesn’t know the lesson
The ghost and the foodie didn’t speak at one another, but I can see that both of them, who have been through battle, can see that the dungeon is definitely no match for the old man in front of them, but in order to find out the real strength of the old man, they really want to see how far he can go in the dungeon.
Unexpectedly, the battle was dumbfounded as soon as they cried.
The fighting in the dungeon these days is really not in vain. His attack is very sharp and just right, but even so, when the whip in his hand flies out, the old man smiles and doesn’t know what he did. The whip was drawn directly in the opposite direction and hit himself in the dungeon.
Such a strange scene is not only scary in the dungeon, but also familiar with the fighting ghosts. He is not afraid that the old man is the other side, and the means are really too strange. It is not so easy to deal with.