Tian Tang touched his nose embarrassedly. "Dr. Bai doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear it, but I really don’t listen to it. I listened to this and forgot that. It seems that I really don’t study medicine."

It shouldn’t be difficult for her to study medicine with such a big golden finger once by herself, but only when she actually learned it did she find out whether she should or not. She didn’t have that tendon in her mind to study Chinese medicine. The problem is not that she can suddenly get through the Du ‘er pulse once by crossing it.
Bai Guanzhong was somewhat sorry to hear that Tian Tang took the initiative to study medicine, and he might have a special talent in this respect, but now it seems that Tian Tang really seems to be more suitable for focusing on Shenshen Town.
It’s a pity that he is willing to give up studying medicine with his own children, not to mention that he just studied it for a few days. After Tian Tang figured it out, he looked at Tian Tang. "God made adults might as well say it directly. This time, studying medicine is a matter of profound and short-term medicine, which is really difficult to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study. I must do my best to help me."
See Bai Guanzhong say Tian Tang also relieved hurriedly prescription problem.
The upgrade of a five-level town requires one prescription, and besides giving away three prescriptions, it also requires seven prescriptions to reach the standard. What Tian Tang wants is not a complicated prescription, but the most basic one, but she doesn’t know anything about the medicinal properties. She thought that she could learn a little and understand something, but she still had to ask Bai Guanzhong for help.
After Tian Tang simply finished, Bai Guanzhong quickly understood what she meant, but his heart was somewhat shocked.
"Is it Sanqi to stop blood powder?"
"There are still anthelmintics to the medicinal materials, and it’s just petunia. I think it’s possible to start making the most extreme effect of the medicinal materials’ body performance."
Notoginseng does stop bleeding, and it is also very powerful in stopping bleeding among some traditional Chinese medicines, but compared with the hemostatic powder made by Tian Tang Pharmaceutical, the two are actually very different in effect.
In this piece of Chinese medicine, Bai Guanzhong is really very sensitive. Tian Tang introduced the pharmaceutical situation a little, and he already had a general grasp in his heart.
In the next few days, Bai Guanzhong has been preparing suitable drugs according to the performance of medicinal materials.
Clearing away heat, reducing fire, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis …
Different medicinal materials have different effects, so it is necessary to consider the dose. If it is ordinary people, the dose must not be too large, otherwise it will lead to overdose and an accident.
Bai Guanzhong studied medicine for many years, which is the first time to do such a thing, but to think that these prescriptions can play a big role, he even went to the hospital several times less and devoted his mind to studying prescriptions.
In this process, she occasionally comes to help. Her major is pediatrics, but she also knows more about traditional Chinese medicine, especially about some prescriptions in pediatrics, which can also help Bai Guanzhong finishing workers.
Prescriptions come out one by one, but they can’t meet the requirements of the system
Tian Tang can adjust the proportion of medicinal materials again and again according to the prescription, and put the medicinal materials into the medicine furnace again and again for pharmacy.
After a long time, Li Tian Tang Tian Tang saw all the failures … failed medicinal ashes. She could re-allocate the proportion of medicinal materials and re-test.
Thick piles were piled up on her desk, each prescription contained 1 gram, 3 grams … Cross out, cross out, cross out …
Again and again, the test ushered in and failed again and again. Bai Guanzhong gave the dosage range of medicinal materials. She tested all the "grams" and failed
There’s nothing she can do. She can lower the variable unit from grams to milligrams.
Fortunately, not long ago, a searchable thank-you shopping mall was opened. She directly found a minimal scale from the mall, adjusted the weight of each medicinal material again from the beginning, and then put the adjusted prescription in the column of pharmaceutical skill prescription for testing.
A few days later, the first prescription for clearing heat and reducing fire finally passed the test successfully.
Xinxi jumped out of Tian Tang and didn’t care to see what he was rewarded, so he lay in bed and slept in the dark.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-five Pharmaceutical Workshop
[Congratulations to the players for developing the first prescription [Qingre Jianghuo Tea] *1 mint seed *1]
[One seed can be planted in each medicine garden, and the growth rate of medicinal materials is *1 times the medicinal properties of medicinal materials *1 times]
At five o’clock in the morning, it was just dawn outside, and Tian Tang squinting, absently opened the game panel to check the prescription rewards of the previous day.
Nice mint. Nice mint.
The growth rate of the medicine garden is 1 time, and the medicinal property is 1 time! ! !
Tian Tang stare big eyes, carefully look at the reward, make sure there is no wrong heart beat faster.
Yes, this is good. After that, the medicinal materials will be planted in the medicine garden, and the fertile land can specialize in planting agricultural products. This reward is good, cocoa.
After enjoying the reward, Tian Tang opened the column of pharmaceutical skills, and the face experience value has risen from 3 to 4, which means that her prescription is indeed successful, not that she is dreaming.
Thinking about it, she opened the interface of the pharmaceutical furnace to make the new prescription confirm the pharmacy.
[Congratulations to the player for getting heat-clearing and fire-reducing tea *1]
Can be made directly, it’s true! ! !
Tian Tang gently exhaled a sigh of relief, looking at the freshly baked results, his heart finally relaxed.
Last night, she had a dream of mixing prescriptions all night, dreaming that although the prescription system was successful, she needed to mix drugs again every time. The thought that she needed to be weighed according to milligrams every time, she collapsed in her dream.
All night long, she dreamed of preparing prescriptions, and the dream was very real. When she woke up early, she had a very unreal feeling.
Fortunately, relax. This is the real world.