"Now it’s very dangerous for the three kingdoms to die. I don’t know if I can escape Rexroth."

"A shield is safe for the time being"
At this moment, it’s mother’s turn to evacuate backwards, but it’s coming to an end when she sees the shield. Ned quickly handed over the flash.
"It flashed. Rexay set his sights on the bull’s head."
The bull’s head flashed without hesitation.
"It seems that the wounds of the Three Kingdoms are also very decisive. I have to hand over two flashes when I continue to line up."
"Yes, although the danger of flash is not great, the wheel mother also has no alignment value."
"The treatment of this wave of the Three Kingdoms is still in place."
"It is the round mother that protects the line resources to the greatest extent."
"For the Three Kingdoms, the biggest test now is how long the rhythm of hq will last."
"It really remains to be seen. After all, the timing of pig sister gank has not yet arrived, and everything is unknown."
"Come on, Three Kingdoms, you are the best."
It was a surprise for everyone to play so intensely as soon as the semi-final started.
Chapter 66 The situation is wrong
"Keep the rhythm and don’t be disturbed by the opposite side."
Seeing hq deliberately provoking Yan Liang also discovered the conspiracy. Once the Three Kingdoms get angry and fight hq, they are likely to fall into their trap.
After all, the situation can only be seen with a cool head, and the three kingdoms are becoming more stable. If we fight against each other at this time, it is simply not worth the candle.
There is no more stupid situation than this when the team battle advantage goes to the line.
"I know it seems that hq also has ideas."
Shan Changshan Zhao Long looked at the situation and didn’t feel bad. After all, this man still has to exchange blood with Rambo even if his blood volume suffers every time. It’s also fascinating.
"It’s really an interesting team."
The situation is still evolving. For the Three Kingdoms, it is victory to survive the match period safely.
"Lu Lunma pressed the line again, and Rexai has already left. On the line, the Three Kingdoms is better than hq."
"Every mistake, but Dawn seems to have an idea."
After watching the commentary, the dawn of squatting at the entrance of the river is also one leng. It seems that hq has not given up gank, but it is no longer dependent on playing wild. After all, Rexai has forced out all the summoner skills of the Three Kingdoms Road.
Now, there is absolutely no reason for hq to give up when the double recruiting department of the Three Kingdoms is cooling down.
"It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s dangerous."
Looking at the dawn coming out of the grass, everyone knows that the mother is running.
"cow head up and then an ank is understandable.
"The road is coming again. It’s just gank Road. Rexay has reached the road. It’s so fast, this thing."
Lu Lunma just sent a blood, and suddenly Lu Rambo has been stared at by hq.
"The withdrawal situation is wrong"
At home, Yan Liang found the road dangerous, but he couldn’t come. The troops chased Rambo’s output, and Rexay was also close to Rambo’s 2v1 situation. Rambo’s love war flashed on the wall in the direction of the defense tower.
"Blink, although successful, Rexroth followed. A skill controlled Rambo followed."
"It’s still exporting. There’s nothing I can do. It looks like Rambo is going to be a tragedy."
After 6 minutes, the output of the horses was ignited, or Rambo was taken away. The situation of the head field suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation, and the three roads were at a disadvantage.
"I’m almost there, gank Lucian."
"Come on"
At this time, the wild boar girl has arrived at the road, and Lu Xi’ an has not come home, and she is still greedy for the last few soldiers on the line.
Chapter 669 Radical HQ
"Now the road is very busy. Everyone is heading for the road, and the Three Kingdoms are still chasing the dawn. It is a bit difficult to see the situation. The dawn is too fleshy, and the main point ank is ready to listen to the art to find the enemy hidden in the fog of war.
The effect of this skill can make Rexay blow the enemy away at the moment of appearance.
After Rambo was hit, the slag giant effect made Rexay do more damage to Rambo.
"mother egg"
Changshan Zhao Long can keep retreating, but Rex keeps chasing after him and keeps outputting, hitting higher damage.
"What a bother"
Rambo wanted to fight back, but his blood volume no longer supported him to do so. Moreover, this game was well developed and there was no need to fight hard with it. In the end, Rambo chose to retreat.
"I ran away from Rexroth, and the output was still a little poor. Rambo is safer."
"No, Rexroth still wants to fight."
Look at it. There’s one more thing that Bean knows from Rexay.
"prey search"
This skill is terrible for Rexair. Rexair emits a shock wave full of virtual energy to detonate the first unit, causing 69121517 magic damage and exposing the hit non-stealth enemy for 25 seconds.
"My God"
When Rexay finally killed and sacrificed, the scene was boiling.
Rambo was lucky enough to escape, but the best skill of Rexroth made Rambo completely overcome.