However, a moment of anger, the strong hosts just rose to the top, and the killing mood fell in an instant.

No longer anger and contempt for Emperor Wu, but from the soul trembling like an ice cave.
Because Emperor Wudi glanced at the powerful men of the Shinto of hosts lightly, he felt that his soul was suffocating. The picture in their eyes changed. The front row of hosts was no longer a masculine and handsome human male, but a group of black and red gathered together in an indescribable way!
Lu Chen closed his deep boots and sealed his charm attribute. Charm attribute instantly fell to freezing point and became-34+
His charm attribute is now a killer level, which has a controlling effect. The strong contrast is enough to make the enemy stunned.
And that’s not the scariest thing. Many powerful Shinto people were shocked when Emperor Wudi became an indescribable devil. They felt their souls tremble and they felt strong all over.
In the past, the group coverage of the active and passive halo effect locked Lu Chen’s charm attribute dropped again, although it still showed a negative extreme value, but it actually became lower.
The halo effect reduces the comprehensive war attribute by 2 points when the place has a strong Shinto realm.
Suddenly, the strong white tiger clan in Lu Chen’s hands moved after finishing the dharma. He felt like a weak cat being shaken by ghosts and gods in Senluo purgatory, depending on each other’s wishes.
Lu Chen slightly tilted his head and grinned at the strong white tiger family. "What do you ask me to check?"
He held the regicide handle in his left hand, and many Shinto strongmen could hear the rubbing sound of the sharp sword. It seemed as if there was a new air conditioning in the process of the dark fierce soldiers being drawn, and their necks passed by.
"… I’m checking how many heads I can harvest today!"
Liu Chen’s voice was low and accompanied by the dark knife light flashing. Thousands of Shinto strong men were cut in the forefront of the army. The knife light was extended backwards, and finally many Shinto strong men reacted and joined hands to block it.
Liu Chen seems to be a little surprised. "Not bad, more than 1000 people died."
"Don’t think about taking it alive together. This is a super-god monster!"
There is a strong Shinto shouting that they have no way out, so that if the racial imprint is not completed and destroyed, their clan will die out.
Lu Chen took a puff with a cigarette rod in his mouth. His perfect world refined pure dark and unknown substances, and he felt that his blood was boiling and he gained abundant fighting energy.
He slowly spit out the dark and miscellaneous gas, and the whole person was simply black and red in the eyes of outsiders.
He opened his arms. "Do your best and then …"
Before his words were exhausted, the hosts had launched a joint attack, and Lu Chen’s figure disappeared like a ghost. No one could see him clearly. Even the powerful people of the Eye of Heaven and the Thousand Eyes could see some dark phantoms.
"No … impossible … we are the strongest Shinto army in Nanzhan Prefecture!"
A strong voice of Tianyue clan trembled with a ridiculous expression on her face. "How could this happen! ?”
In front of his eyes, he can see the flashing shadows, black and red, dividing the battlefield, which is light and agile. The breath of generate makes people feel like falling into Senluo purgatory. The place where black and red lead is the flying head.
Don’t say that the strong people who besieged them in the Shinto field actually managed to capture their opponents’ figures. That’s beyond time, cause and effect, ghosts and gods can’t beat the devil!
All over the sky, there was a splendid collision between Taoism and Taoism, but none of them could hit the man’s colorful divine day. generate’s huge roar was endless, like a grand tribute to pay homage to the destruction of Shinto and hosts.
The roar and horror of the powerful Shinto before their death are like a grand lament.
Everything happened in less than a breath. When the splendid Taoism dispersed and the virtual Gangfeng stopped, a strong Shinto was left alone in the field, where a dark and fierce soldier braced his neck.
The strong man with a thousand eyes trembled. The root in front of his eyes was not a human being, but an indescribable taboo. Ghosts and gods could not even resist.
Liu Chen paused for a moment, and then his last head flew to the sky as long as blood and fog, splashing ink, and blowing the man’s long hair in Gangfeng "… without regret."
He brandished his knife and put it in his sheath. This battle ended so quickly.
"Wu … emperor wudi … actually won! ?”
Fang Huoniu clan now has a trembling voice and dreams of himself.
This is a Shinto army of all races. How can it be extinguished in one breath! ?
Emperor Wu should also be a strong Shinto. The gap is so big! ?
In fact, Liu Chen is no longer a creature with the strong in the same environment. Even when he was young, he would never have such a powerful fighting force in this realm.
You’re welcome to say that even if you are looking for light, I’m afraid you can’t go through all the tricks in the face of Liu Chen’s condition now.
Because he came back from the perfect world this time, he gained great talents, and his equipment was greatly updated and his title changed. His attacking power was beyond his imagination.
Lu Chen, an army of hosts, has not experienced his high world, but also played against the world army at the level of true self. At that time, it was still a little difficult
Now he has killed the garbage instantly, not that the strong people in his hometown and the world are in the same environment, but that he has become too strong now.
Before fighting, he occupied the attribute advantage again. If it weren’t for the converging attack, I’m afraid the first knife would have ended directly.
"Why? Unexpectedly, you didn’t catch it? "
Liu Chen looked empty and didn’t seem to be talking to the heads of the fire cow clan.
One brake collapsed and a statue covering the sun appeared, which was even larger than the size of the Shinto hosts, and the momentum swallowed up the world.
It’s a statue of an outrageous creature, almost comparable to the size and shape of the perfect world. It looks like a fish body with a dark blue glow, and two dark dorsal fins seem to have been abandoned and merged. Its body has become two dark lines and exudes danger.
The tail of the snake is strong and powerful, and it can collapse. The huge mouth looks like it can swallow everything.
Powerful majesty arrival Liu Chenshen with bizarre rage "small …"
When Elder Xukun arrived, he didn’t expect Shinto to capture Emperor Wu successfully, but he just wanted to see the level of Emperor Wu and further monitor whether Emperor Wu was a mysterious blood bearer.
Lu Chen’s first time out of the knife, it was very convenient and had an induction. At that time, he was also happy. Although thousands of Shinto hosts fell, it was also very sad, but Lu Chen’s amazing fighting power was doubtful, and his mysterious blood bearing identity could be affirmed.
But when it was ready to leave, Lu Chen was shocked by the rapid killing. When it arrived near the battlefield, Lu Chen had only one opponent left in front of him.
Even if the Lingkun clan is strong and dominated by Nanzhan Prefecture, the powerful Shinto will still be weakened if so many people are lost.
Those strong people are not their Lingkun clan, but they are also holding the racial mark. How can the army be regarded as such a great loss for its own people? It will certainly be held accountable.
I’m afraid it will be suppressed for 250 million years if the clan leader Lai Kun wakes up and learns about it!
Now the only way to make up for the mistake is to identify the mysterious blood man Emperor Wudi, so as to block the mouth of the powerful people and join the taboo road!
"Finally, I came to see my opponent Kun stew in a big pot."
Lu Chen laughed and said that he could see each other’s comprehensive attributes around 331 points, which was really a great strength.
In the perfect world, that’s the weird ancestor level, but it doesn’t seem to be the strongest of the Lingkun family, but it’s just a senior manager.
It seems that he is a little reckless in declaring war on all ethnic groups.
However, he is far from exerting his strength in this world. He has a great rise, and everything is just beginning.
"If you don’t want to kill you, you won’t be able to torture you. Now you plead guilty and become my servant of Lingkun clan, which will make you feel better."