Dragonfly said, "Sheep, are you on the swing?" The dread dropped the second-class ship and came back to the nearby dragonfly. When Wu Xin hung the bow and floated in the wind, he couldn’t help but say hello.

"Don’t hush, there’s no one on the deck," said the dragonfly. "Are you playing with someone?"
"… they say beauty and wisdom can’t share the same dragonfly, but I find you are a special case."
Dragonfly smiled sweetly, "More and more girls will love you."
"… I mean, if you don’t have beauty, why don’t you even have wisdom?" Wu Xin said, "There are so many of them. Can I kill them alone without playing with my mind?"
"…" It took dragonfly half a minute to reply "Goodbye!"
"Goodbye!" Don’t understand the style. Wuxin receives the line.
Ten minutes later, Lang, Mei and You Er all called to greet Wu Xin and wondered how they knew they were hanging in the wind without lookout equipment. Dragonfly slander? How is it possible? Dragonflies are definitely not like that.
Another half hour has passed. Wu Xin believes that he can carry this group of foreigners better than himself, or that having faith means that others can’t stand the pain. Wu Xin closes the rope and stretches his head toward the hole on the deck. When he looks at this, Wu Xin is crazy about the black hole. There is also a person who looks at himself and has to endure it for another minute …
However, Wu Xin’s sudden stretch of his head really startled the foreigner. The foreigner screamed’ Ah’ and looked outside when he found that he had not fallen to accept the contempt of his peers. The foreigner who disappeared swore that "I really saw his head just at the bow position"
Homer thought about it and said, "Go back to Ann first. This China monkey has too many tricks."
Wu Xin called, "Dragonfly, please pay attention to whether there are foreigners on the deck behind me."
"Are you sure? No? "
"What’s the matter? Sick? "
"Goodbye then?"
Wu Xin wondered if the dragonfly was not right today! Can it be said that the secretion disorder in middle menopause has appeared in young women? Think about it. Every month, people always have those days.
After swinging for another half an hour, Wu Xin and foreigners collapsed together. What’s this called? Wu Xin has decided to ask foreigners to go out of a big hole with a bag of lime and then slide from a height to make the long-lost enemy Yuanyang’s legs in Wulin … The so-called loss is that you kick others around and don’t know if it’s true or false. If there are many people, you will acupuncture and throw them into the sea to feed the fish.
But the somebody else not to come out … I took a look at the hole with two arrows aimed at kill? Wu Xin, however, was killed by anger and thunder. It’s not too much to say that it’s not too much to know that these people are very black to play long-distance sniper’s heart. It’s not too much to see somebody else’s black cat without saying a word
Is the foreigner’s thinking simply that his reinforcements are destroyed? We won’t go out and wait for the second batch of prepared reinforcements until you come in, but the foreigner certainly didn’t expect that he had reinforcements and had already arrived.
The cockroach rowed a dinghy and brought Bai Wen to the left giant ship to climb Dowa. Because she didn’t fear the boat ticket and couldn’t swim and dive, she could pick up the cockroach for a while. After the right giant ship broke the second door, there were too many monsters at the third door. It was really not a person who could resist it. Adding Bai Wen couldn’t help but give up the treasure hunt and join Wu Xin here to prepare to fight spiders, carry forward pirates and grab all the way. It is not the first time to express a sigh that robbery is much easier than treasure hunting.
When two supports arrive, although we are outnumbered by three to five, we can’t hold on to our side. When we have enough strength, Wu Xin is the most annoying person. Wu Xin nods to the cockroach, raises a double knife, grabs the rope, jumps and pulls a big hole, and Wu Xin follows.
The first room is empty.
Ow!’ Double-handed man: God, I have these knives. People send cockroaches by Wu Xin. Of course, we should be positive and jump to the second room. Cockroaches have a little contempt for Wu Xin, and then stretch their heads toward the portrait room. There is no one there.
Wu Xinhan "ran away!" How can you run away? You watched the wanted man arrogant and you ran away without saying a word? Are you worthy of 3K? Wu Xin really wants to arrest their boss and ask and discuss the responsibility and honor of employees.
"Go back?" Cockroach said, "Just go to the right to get the treasure and let the dragonfly watch." The left boat can’t get the treasure. The most likely thing is that it’s not good if both thugs stay alone and Bai Wen is bullied.
Wu Xin still doesn’t believe that these people are ashamed to ignore their own running rooms, and then look at the portraits carefully to see if a group of foreigners are turned into 2D portraits and finally look at them … Nai! It’s a white truth to be away from this damn Fang Wuxin. Foreigners are also shameless people.
Wu Xin was very humbled and kicked his feet on the floor, and then he took out a trapped fishing line. Cockroaches and others didn’t know what Wu Xin wanted at first, until Wu Xin put the line through the portrait and pressed the floor. Several people finally became white. This ya was laying mines. Once the bad guys accidentally walked around, they directly crossed the line and drew the portrait of the enemy. At least it was a nest of six out, even three Wu Xin couldn’t carry it, not to mention the spirit of the line. Although the foreigners were still in a daze, Wu Xin was still quite wronged and couldn’t take a photo around, even if he was really, he
Bai Wen looked at the face and wiped a cold sweat like a spider’s web. "Sheep, are you in a mood with the explosion of fishing poles in the past?" Spill out the bait and then play cards and chat. Anyway, you can’t run away if you eat it.
Wu Xin sighed, "I can’t tell if people didn’t go from this room."
"Please, you are a fishing line. How can you see it after ten meters?" Bai Wendao: "According to reasoning, this room is the safest one. Of course, choose this room line to withdraw!"
"Go, go!" Cockroaches called for a plane to kill one or two wanted lists, but I didn’t expect to be scared by Wu Xin alone. It’s really boring.
This time, due to Carmen’s shipwreck, the typhoon will not arrive until it is close to the line. At least, it will take 20 hours to catch the typhoon and then run away in the early hours of the night. People who don’t come to the typhoon always have to rest their playthings, but it is not good for them to die. The body is themselves …
On the foggy Sunday morning, Hua Yingying took Wu Xin and Bai Wen as flower escorts to buy food carts. On the way out, you can see the poster of the great voyage announcement. The spokesperson of the great voyage in China is an idol pop singer, and various value-added products of maritime pirates have also emerged in the market, including simulated western swords and original muskets, as well as torpedo key chains and doctor cards.
There is also a network writer at the entrance of the supermarket. Da Hai Hang and I have to say two or three things, and even the novel entity sells Bai Wen lamenting that "a game triggers an industrial chain"
"The main thing is that this thing is environmentally friendly," Wu Xin said. "Because the gasoline consumption rate has decreased by 30% in recent months, the water consumption has decreased by 20%, and the buses are not crowded and the roads are very smooth."
"Without shoppers, the bar business is poor!" Hua Yingying added that "even our lawyer’s practice has decreased, so it is estimated that we should consider dismissing judges when going to the country."
"Look at the latest announcement video and have us!" Bai Wenyi refers to the fact that Wu Xin and Hua Yingying are hung everywhere in the supermarket. At first glance, it is a big sailing propaganda film.
More than 100 warships in the rough sea carried players who were attacking a unified city. They stood proudly at the bow of the ship, fought bravely against the cloud knives, shouted at the players, bombarded them with arrows, and launched a series of landing craft. The players were released by the ship and rushed to the port city with all kinds of weapons, artillery and arrows in the rain.
As soon as the camera turns, a pirate ship comes in the wind with a fast speed and flexibility. During the voyage, it gets rid of the NPC fleet’s obstruction, bravely pursues the wind and escapes. The merchant ship is accompanied by the monologue "Pirates are the darling of the ocean of that era. We don’t represent justice. We don’t represent order. We walk in the dark. We have ordinary people without courage. We have our own rules of life-everything is born."
"No face?" Wu Xinwen
"Is there?" Bai Wen grabbed his head and thought, "There must be introductions to us one by one. For example, I am a wonderful person, and I am laughing and laughing. My life is just bad. I didn’t say that I am a perverted devil. Why did I delete it?"
"Those SARFT won’t let it pass," Hua Yingying said. "You have freedom of speech, but it’s wrong for you to say it."
Then came the incarnation of justice, and a group of bounty hunters swore "We protect justice, we protect honor and we protect the tranquility of the sea", bringing back the magnificent sea as the background.
At this time, the stars sang the background music, and the music sounded fast. When the music was slow, a lonely and beautiful woman played the flute lightly and drove a first-class wrecked ship. Finally, it was a heavy start. It was integrated for a long time. The screenshot of the first sailing star’s passionate music was first typed out. "Captain Lianyun is proud of Lianyun to be a captain. He doesn’t need bear power, eagle eyes and leopard speed. He needs wisdom and a little luck."
"wow! No wonder the arrogant Lianyun is wanted by 3K. It seems that there are many stories I don’t know. "Wu Xinzan.
The second photo is the dragonfly "The Pirate Ship Enemy Watcher Dragonfly". Although she represents evil, it is undeniable that she has beauty, and she also has the most professional spirit. Because she is a professional, the pirate ship she works for always finds its prey first and can always avoid being rounded up by warships.
The third photo is Ang Lei, "The professional model of the boatswain-Ang Lei’s professional cognition and sensitivity made him China the world’s sailor king and the only candidate with the least suspense and overwhelming superiority".
The fourth photo is Wu Xin’s "Pirate and Pirate Enemy". The pirate shepherd has the demeanor of an ancient China giant thief, but he is ruthless but has high martial arts skills. Although he is a dark figure, his professional gunnery and people can match his peers in melee fighting.
Wu Xin dizzy "without my consent"
Hua Yingying signed a contract when playing the game, and people said that the portrait in the game belongs to the great voyage. Besides, you don’t want to sue the supercomputer, do you? The somebody else but has the highest machine and clear "
The fifth photo in Bai Wen is "Wang Liu Buxing Enemy Pirate". Although we don’t want to add more pirates, Chinese and Western majors can mix well with him.
Hua Yingying praised "the enemy number is awesome. Six occupations account for three."
"Have you seen the World Cup? However, the performance of their players in all champion teams is wonderful, including their substitute players, who are almost picky, but at most one player outside the team has some bright spots. This is a classic theory of winning and losing. You see, the main and auxiliary weapons of dragonflies are not the most advanced. Strictly speaking, now they are not pirates. I won’t fight, so I will be eliminated by KO, but it will be much better if I look at dragonflies from another angle. Different angles have different effects. "Bai Wen explained this problem.
Sixth, the repair ability of the craftsman Element No.1 is stronger than that of the big BOSS, which is famous. It is said that this person is a younger brother of Luban, and the repair ship is a multiple of that of the ordinary craftsman, but I don’t know whether it is twice, triple or higher.