Jinyang quietly looked at the tea in front of him, and he was confused. Ten years ago, he was at the mountain gate, and his lifelong goal was not to ask for heaven. Ten years later, although I had to integrate into the society because I escaped from the blood clan, I was exposed to killing and cheating. Is it like earning dollars? Like killing people?

Drinking is hard liquor, where I drank tea. Jinyang hesitated for a while and finally shook his head and said, "Father, I am more loyal to red wine than tea."
Father Di Si nodded slowly and smiled. "Now young people like wine, but you don’t know that tea also has a different flavor. Two years ago, although I was a little unaccustomed to drinking tea, the more I drank it, the better I felt. Now I have gradually liked the taste of tea, bitter first, sweet later and poor aftertaste."
Speaking of the association, suddenly laughed. "It’s so rude to see the quantity. I don’t know what happened today." I have a strange feeling of closeness when I see you. I talk about tea inexplicably. Please drink tea and have a taste. Maybe you will like this strange taste! "
I took a sip of tea from the teacup, and a bitter feeling suddenly reached the taste from the tip of my tongue. Jinyang’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but when the tea passed through the root of my tongue, there was a sweet taste that entered the stomach along the intestine and made me feel comfortable.
A bright brow in Jinyang’s eyes was slightly surprised and said, "Yes, compared with red wine tea, it does have its own unique place."
However, the real expression on Jinyang’s face is rain or shine, and a strange feeling strikes my heart and I miss him strongly. I feel this way for the first time, but his heart is white. Even if I miss that sacred country again, the outstanding fairyland will not be open again.
After tea, seeing Jinyang change tea so quickly made the tea ceremony still half-toned. Father Sisi felt very embarrassed and smiled. "Kim, I heard that you have recently set up a hospital. It’s really a saint in the eyes of the poor. I don’t know what brings you to my little church? Tell me about your purpose and help. I will never refuse. "
Hearing this, Jinyang’s expression suddenly changed dramatically, and his hands trembled slightly. He hurriedly put the existing tea out of the teacup to show the method of panic and tension, and looked around at the low-level priest.
Father Di Si immediately got the message when he saw this, especially when he saw Jinyang’s pale face. He felt that there must be a big problem and hurriedly waved the priest away not far away.
Watching a few low-level priests slowly retreat out and give up the door, Jinyang said proudly, "It seems that I can’t live after my acting skills are passable, and maybe I can take the actor route!"
But his expression didn’t change at all. He was still pale and trembling. He took out a photo from his pocket. The photo was of a mummified body. His expression was full of fear and his eyes were ferocious. He was obviously extremely scared to death.
Jinyang was not tight, showing panic and uneasiness, and trembled slightly. He handed the photo to Dees and asked, "Father, look at what this is. The bodies have been found one after another in the slums, which does not cause panic. I didn’t dare to go out to the public about this matter. I just came to show it to the priest today while it was a service."
Ties grabbed the photo and looked solemn and stared at it. His expression changed rapidly, but it returned to normal instantly, but Jinyang had already captured that moment change.
Jinyang still trembled slightly and said, "There have been nine identical bodies in the past three days. Those poor people told me the situation at the first time. I don’t know if this is suitable for the police to report to you first and ask your opinion."
Ties tried his best to be natural. When he picked up the teacup, the green tea still had a little ripple. Of course, all this also entered Jinyang’s eyes. The smile flashed in Jinyang’s eyes instead of slowly picking up the teacup and sipping it carefully, and he found that it tasted more mellow. It was like thinking of something and quickly putting it back.
Look at Tie Si’s face getting worse and worse, Jinyang suddenly laughed in his heart. "Although death is poor, Christmas is just around the corner. If this matter is shaken out, someone will be drained of blood by vampires in new york, the Vatican is not afraid that you will not send someone to destroy these bastards. It is best for you bastards to fight to the death of each other. It would be too cost-effective to pretend to be a Christian today."
After a long time, it was reflected that I was looking at a face of panic. Jinyang suddenly had an illusion. In front of him, the man gave him an unspeakable letter. It was simply a strong sense of trust. Although I couldn’t understand it, I was naturally willing to believe it.
He knew that Buddhism, foreign affairs and practice had already entered the depths of his mind, and all his thoughts had already been deeply influenced. Otherwise, Jinyang would panic and drink tea, and such a low-level mistake would definitely not escape his eyes.
The golden light in Edith’s eyes flashed and he casually said, "My son, I want to ask you if you can accept the strange things in this world, such as those superman or psychic classes appearing in the film?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Although the power is no secret in various countries, in front of ordinary people, the country still tries to hide what the association can recognize Jinyang and does not know that the power is there.
Chapter 14 Foreign Minister’s Practice
Looking at the golden light in the depths of Father Tie Si’s eyes, Jinyang immediately smiled, because that golden light is a symbol that he has just exerted his Buddhist foreign minister’s practice.
Jinyang’s every move at this moment will be automatically modified by his subconscious mind when it comes to Di Si’s eyes.
Even if Jinyang reveals a simple smile, it will become a trustworthy smile because it contains Buddhism and Buddhism.
Jinyang put the teacup in surprise and asked with a little incomprehension, "Father Di Si, how can you doubt the presence of the Emperor since you are the envoy of the Emperor?"
"Oh almighty emperor! Your most loyal servant should suspect you. please forgive me for my crime! " Ties immediately realized that he had made a mistake and was frightened. He was more pious than praying for the emperor’s forgiveness with a cross on his chest.
Before he could finish, Jinyang changed the subject and said, "Although those people with powers are beyond my understanding, who am I to doubt that they are there?"
Jin Yang went on to say that "in ancient times, a philosopher said,’ You can’t deny it because you don’t know it.’ Although I don’t know which country this philosopher is from, I have always remembered this sentence and made it a philosophy of life."
Hearing what Jinyang said, Father Di Si now has a satisfied smile in his eyes, and he feels what an excellent young man! How many young people can have such a mind now?
Smiling, Edith said, "That’s good, Kim. I’m telling you, all these strange people are here, and many, many, many, for example, I’m also a priest with holy power, that is, a superpower in the eyes of ordinary people."
Speaking of this, Tie Si’s naked eyes instantly caught a hint of surprise in Jinyang’s eyes, slowly turned a brown sapphire cup in his hand and continued, "I know you are surprised, but please hear me out first. There are almost countless strange people or’ in’. If I didn’t guess wrong, this attack on the poor people should be the sworn enemies of the Vatican, those damn dirty vampires, and these sinful people still don’t repent."
Seeing Jinyang didn’t make a big move. Associates nodded slightly, and subjectively recognized that the young man’s ability to accept was not as strong as usual. You know, ordinary people must have been scared to death when they heard vampires or saw those horrible photos, but Jinyang could still continue to drink tea leisurely there.
Although this is a big flaw, everything is so natural in Jinyang’s efforts to practice Buddhism as a foreign minister. At this moment, everything Jinyang has done is right and there is no need to doubt it in the eyes of Father Dies.
Dissatisfied, nodded and continued, "although I didn’t understand what these dark creatures attacked the poor? But I think they are so unwilling to be lonely that they don’t want to make trouble at Christmas. By the way, what can they do besides making trouble? Damn it, dark creatures dare to attack the poor, and I will have the holy light erode every inch of their bodies! "
As he spoke, Father Di Si showed a sad expression. Those poor people were so sad when they died that they were about to burst into tears. If Jinyang didn’t pick them up, he would really be deceived if he felt a little holy power approaching his head.
Jinyang also knows what this damn fat wants to do to affect Jinyang’s memory or set up a ban in Jinyang’s head to prevent Jinyang from telling what Jintian is obedient. After all, it is also a crime to bring ordinary people into the power world.
Jinyang body left no defensive measures, all the energy disappeared instantly, and the depth of the abdomen was extremely obscure without a flaw.
Although Tie Si is the lowest priest in the hierarchy stipulated by the Holy See, it is only one level higher than the position of priests and deacons, and the energy value is a’ first-order’ power at most, but it can’t be underestimated if Tie Si is a powerful blow without making the Buddhist treasure defensive. Jinyang must at least use three realities to firmly block the blow.
However, in Di Si’s eyes, Jinyang is just an ordinary person with a little thought at the moment, and it is not worth his efforts. What he does is to make a little sacred power that can affect ordinary people’s hearts.
Di Si was happy in his heart. "Jinyang is so cute. If he can develop into an envoy of the emperor, he will broadcast the gospel of the emperor and make great contributions. The emperor will definitely reward me."