Bypassing a detour, Han Baocheng’s hand suddenly shot ahead, where some people were gathered and dispersed in horror by Han Baocheng’s light.

"Hellcaster!" Han Baocheng exclaimed
Qiu Tong saw these people from hell for the first time. She stared at twenty or thirty people in front, dressed in a black suit. Some of them were evasive and frightened.
"Are they the ones we are looking for in hell?" Autumn with just want to look carefully before was Han Baocheng cling to hold.
"These people are not the same as the old, the weak and the sick who stay in the hostel. They are young and middle-aged people from hell. They don’t associate with us. We don’t know what they think in their hearts. Will they be hostile to us?" Han Baocheng was so serious that Qiu Tong didn’t dare to move again.
"You are too timid!" A young voice with sarcasm.
Han Baocheng was taken aback. The sound came from "baby" sitting on the ground.
"You can talk?" Han Baocheng pointed to the "baby" sitting on the landlord sucking his finger, and he didn’t know how much dirt the little hand stuck along the way.
"I never said I couldn’t speak, but you never tried to talk to me," murmured the little old man who looked like a baby.
"We have to thank you for taking us to Hellcasters, but we don’t know the language of these people, and we don’t know if they will come with me." Han Baocheng didn’t know how to take them back to Yining in the face of so many people.
"No … when they plant a cold tree, they will naturally go back to Yining to have their wife, children and parents." The little old man was still serious at this time.
Han Baocheng asked, "What is a cold tree?"
The little old man was still sucking his fingers and vaguely answered, "A medicine for their white pupil disease will mature only once every three years. They have to stay here until they have the medicine."
What did Han Baocheng finally understand? "So you really know. Did they find you after all the trouble?"
The little old man glanced at Han Baocheng discontentedly. "What! What’s wrong with me? You people see everything with your eyes, and you don’t think about it or verify that there are many things in this world that have been messed up by you guys. "
Han Baocheng scratched his head and said shyly, "Oh, I’m sorry, old man. I misunderstood you after listening to the residents of the baby castle."
The little old man was obviously shocked by the name "old gentleman", and no one had ever called him that before. He turned his eyes several times and said, "Hmm! Those guys in the baby castle are really outrageous. I’ve been taking care of them for so many years, even if there’s nothing in return, and I’ve been treated as a monster. It’s really a small heart. "
Qiu Tong asked with a look of worship, "It seems that you are young and immortal, but how can you do it?"
The old man who knows is happy. "What youth will last forever? I’m just a dwarfism patient for generations."
Han Baocheng frowned. "But you are reborn every time you die. This is …"
At this point, the old man’s face suddenly sank with some sadness. "People can’t come back to life after death. I haven’t lived for hundreds of years. Although I’m not young, I’m really ten years old. Those who died were just my ancestors. The stupid people in the baby castle turned us into monsters because they never really wanted to know us and never had sympathy for us."
"So it is …" Han Baocheng lost in thought.
Qiu Tongxiang had something to ask, but he was afraid to ask. The clever little old man looked at her and said, "Do you want to ask me if I killed anyone? Did I say I didn’t believe you?"
Han Baocheng and Qiu Tong nodded in the same place.
It’s a pleasure to be understood. The little old man has been regarded as a monster for too long. Suddenly, two people expressed their belief in him, which really brightened his heart. He smiled and said, "I have never killed anyone in the baby’s crib except saving people. Those dead people died in accidents or were simply killed by some people with ulterior motives in the baby’s crib and then framed me. Anyway, no one believed me, and I won’t defend it …" Speaking of this, the smile has solidified the old man’s face, and at this time his face has the vicissitudes that really belong to the old man, which made Qiu
"Come with us. We must have a different life when we go to the outside world." Qiu Tong stared at the old man with big black eyes and naturally squatted with his hands holding hands as smooth as an old man’s baby.
The old man lost his mind for a moment, and it took him a while to regain his pure look like a baby. He reached Qiu Tong’s head with a small hand and caressed Qiu Tong’s hair. He said, "Good boy, my legs were born disabled, and I won’t go anywhere. I will stay where I belong, no matter whether it is good or bad here."
Qiu Tong is puzzled. "People here are harmful. You have misunderstood you. Why don’t you leave?"
The old man looked awkward or Han Baocheng spoke for him and said, "Qiu Tong, why are you so stupid? No matter how bad this place is, there will be places that people will miss."
Qiu Tong frowned. "What can I miss? There is no sunshine or rain."
Han Baocheng looked at Qiu Tong naively. "Little girl has his lover here!"
Qiu Tong suddenly realized that yes, otherwise, how can a person who is hated by so many people like him reproduce? It turns out that no matter what appearance, life experience and interpersonal relationship he has, it will not affect his pursuit of love.
Chapter 27 The last piece of jade spirit
The story of the baby castle is now clear, and the baby who doesn’t grow up in front of him is really the knower.
The knower gave Qiu Tong a small cloth bag and said, "Girls and boys, this is my gift to you. Take it with you and go. When the cold tree matures, I will try to send those patients with white pupils back to the ground."
Han Baocheng opened the mouth of the cloth bag and a line of white light radiated from it. A corner piece of jade was placed firmly at the bottom of the cloth bag. Two people could not help but marvel at "white jade!"
Han Baocheng didn’t expect to meet such a good thing. With this white jade, the seven jade spirits were all together. Although he didn’t know the secret behind the seven jade spirits, he was full of surprises just like a foggy road finally opened another intersection.
"I hope you can take care of each other and we will come to see you later." Han Baocheng put the white jade away and squatted and hugged the little old man who was still sitting on the ground.
The little old man smiled. "Just like you said, I can’t break my word when I come to see you later."
Han Baocheng stretched out his right hand and "guaranteed it!" After that, he suddenly thought of another thing and asked, "Mr. Zhiren, do you know what secrets are hidden behind the seven jade spirits?"
The knower shook his head. "Maybe my ancestors knew, but my father died when I was born, and his father died when my father was born. These things that should be known have long since become a permanent fascination with the knower with their death. The title is also grandma, and I only slowly remembered it when they were bossing around."
Han Baocheng nodded, and a lot of precious information was lost, which didn’t make people feel a little sorry.
The little old man still crawled in front to lead the way and soon came out of the dark cave. There was a light outside the cave. Here Han Baocheng and Qiu Tong finally realized that there would be something like the moon in the water. This is a glowing jade, which reminds Han Baocheng of the green cold jade at the end of the Five Elements Cave. This white jade here should be the green jade brother or sister. They are exactly the same, cold and beautiful. The only difference is that the color is different.
"The little jade in your hand is cut from this side, and it is seven pieces of spiritual jade. As soon as you swim along the river from here, you will see your partner." The little old man crawled back here and never looked back
Autumn with Han Baocheng sighed plunged into the water hasn’t come yet paddling was immediately a suction to fall "peng! Peng! " Two loud noises, two people crashing into the water, and a few meters high waves have fallen into the spring water in front of Long Xiaofei …
When Long Xiaofei and several others came, Qiu Tong and Han Baocheng were already in the water, but they seemed to be immersed in what emotions, even with the same expression and silence …
You guys dragged them to the shore, and everyone gathered on the shore to listen to Qiu Tong’s story carefully. Everyone was sighing. It turned out that the knower was such a dwarf with leg disease.
When Qiu Tong and Han Baocheng left this period, Long Xiaofei and Ma Chao had found a passage to the underground river, and they had also found a rubber boat that had been left outside before. Everyone made a fire to cook and decided to leave here after eating, with amnesia and red silk all the way back to Yining along the underground river.
After more than a month’s journey, Long Xiaofei and they finally returned to Yining City, and Ji Hong Silk was temporarily placed in a nursing home, hoping that after a period of rest, she could remember the past.
When I left this period, Long Xiaofei kept thinking about Lin Xueyan, but when I finally saw Lin Xueyan in a hurry, his heart was mixed with joy and sorrow. Lin Xueyan looked healthy and accompanied by red moths. It should be very safe and worried, just like a ghost that has been around Lin Xueyan. If it was once white, Lin Xueyan imagined it, but now it seems that even Long Xiaofei himself can no longer believe this statement.
Back in Yining City, Long Xiaofei didn’t go home to rest like others, but simply took a bath and then made a speech with Zhao Yuxiu, agreeing to meet a small restaurant without bringing Lin Xueyan back, which was a violation of the original oath to Zhao Yuxiu, and he had to give Zhao Yuxiu a confession at the first time.
Driving out of the gate of the Public Security Bureau, the warm spring sunshine shines through the window. Long Xiaofei has experienced so many incredible people and things in where will you go. All this makes Long Xiaofei think a lot. He can once again travel to the bustling streets of Yining City. He actually feels that he has crossed into another world.
Not long after, Long Xiaofei found that there was a light gray car behind him, and the main driver behind him was a woman with black sunglasses, and her long hair covered half her face, so she couldn’t see the person’s appearance clearly.
After making sure that Long Xiaofei was followed, he felt an anger in his heart. He finally returned from that strange river and was followed by a strange wonderful person, which made Long Xiaofei feel unbearable.
Long Xiaofei pulled over directly and turned around and stopped the car behind him.
Obviously, the car driver was startled and somewhat at a loss. Long Xiaofei reached out and opened the car door to pull her. When she came, she took the sunglasses that covered her eyes. Long Xiaofei recognized that this woman turned out to be a lost track of Liuyu.
"I can explain! When you want to give it to me! " Liuyu didn’t get caught up in the stalking. This is really a woman with super psychological quality.
Long Xiaofei looked at Liu Yu with his arms in his arms and said, "Okay, I’m not in a hurry. I’m waiting for you to explain."
Liuyuliu immediately took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Long Xiaofei. "Xiaofei, this side is my unit and I have something to do today. Call me and we’ll talk about it when we make an appointment."
Long Xiaofei really hesitated. When Liuyu was blown up, the tunnel named them. Long Xiaofei was full of vigilance against this woman in the valley.
See Long Xiaofei don’t talk Liuyu picked his eyebrows and said, "Officer Long Da is not afraid that my little girl will run away."
Long Xiaofei responded with a cool smile, "Can you run once? I’m not afraid of you running forever." Then Long Xiaofei took Liuyu and handed the business card, stuffed it into his pants pocket without even looking at it, and then returned to his car and drove away from Liuyu without looking back, looking at the car and leaving.
Chapter 2 Potassium cyanide poisoning
Long Xiaofei came to make an appointment with Zhao Yuxiu at the pub. This is an ordinary small restaurant on the street. Because of its downtown area, there are quite a lot of passengers. All the seats in the hall are full. Zhao Yuxiu is sitting alone at a square table in the corner. Obviously, he has been waiting for a long time. There are a lot of cigarette butts piled up in front of him, and his face is anxious.
Long Xiaofei thought he was still upset about Lin Xueyan, so he just sat tight and said, "Yu Xiu kept you waiting, and something delayed you."
Zhao Yuxiu didn’t look up at Long Xiaofei. He twisted the leftover cigarette butt violently in the ashtray.
Long Xiaofei also blamed him for not bringing Snow Goose back, and simply told the story of meeting Lin Xueyan. Especially when Snow Goose and Hong E were together, she insisted on running away and didn’t want to come back. Finally, she comforted Yu Xiu that she would definitely get Snow Goose back when she had the opportunity.
Long Xiaofei simply said a lot, only to find that Zhao Yuxiu was silent all the time. The cigarette butt had been twisted into paper foam by him, but he still didn’t let go.
Long Xiaofei took Zhao Yuxiu’s hand out of the ashtray and found that it was shaking badly. Only then did he carefully observe Zhao Yuxiu’s face, his whole face was blue and his lips were still shaking.
"What’s the matter with you?" Long Xiaofei felt that Zhao Yuxiu was very wrong. He just wanted to pour Zhao Yuxiu a cup of hot water, but Zhao Yuxiu stopped him. Zhao Yuxiu finally raised his head and looked straight at Long Xiao Feilong. Xiao Fei saw a pair of red eyes. Zhao Yuxiu squeezed a word from the lip corner to "Hell Gate …"
Long Xiaofei held the crumbling Zhao Yuxiu in a series of questions, "Yu Xiu, you insist on a hell gate? What do you mean? "
Zhao Yuxiu still fell down and a string of white foam flowed out of his mouth. When he fell down, his mouth kept repeating "Hell Gate …" The deep voice was immediately drowned by the noisy people in the pub …
Although Long Xiao Fei Ma sent Zhao Yuxiu to the nearest hospital, Zhao Yuxiu never woke up. The doctor found potassium cyanide in his blood.
Ma Chao and Li Ying then rushed to the pub and investigated Zhao Yuxiu’s death together with Long Xiaofei. It was determined that Zhao Yuxiu entered the pub fifteen minutes before Long Xiaofei entered the pub, and after that, he didn’t eat or drink anything but smoking cigarettes, and he had no contact with others.