Square hum is like a boulevard, and the Vatican sound lasts for a long time.

The bright golden sun in the eastern sea of clouds and sky was covered by the surging clouds! Then from the distant sea of clouds, the sky slowly rises, and waves are like mountains and dark clouds.
Such as dark clouds rolling and rising, this white sea of clouds and sky is extremely dazzling and rare.
Sanskrit sounds are getting louder and louder, shaking people’s hearts and souls.
The dark clouds rose and lifted the snow-white sea of clouds, and a huge face was slowly revealed.
Giant face, narrow eyes, slightly closed eyebrows, flowing like Hunhe River, eyebrows, crack day, like golden seams, and nose are covered in black clouds and waves.
Looking at this dark cloud, we can see that it looks like a solemn and huge face of a treasure. Although it is a cloud behind us, it reveals a huge black wheel ring, which reflects fine.
It’s like a thousand spokes, Sanskrit is far away from each other, and you look like all the saints in heaven!
Sanskrit is still around the sky, and this huge black face is slowly becoming dim! Seems to be infected into a muddy world.
Seeing this strange spectacle, I feel like a giant vine shivering beside me! And Bai Longling is also grinning, devoting himself to low dragons.
Luo Yu actually felt the white dragon’s fierce appearance faintly revealing fear! That’s from the soul’s awe and fear … This is the first time he has seen White Dragon so little to face his predecessors.
Luo Yu stood up in amazement and murmured, "It’s too big … what the hell is this!"
As the sky grew darker and murkier, the narrator Long Ying hesitated, "Hun … Hun … Master … Man".
Hearing Bai Longling’s lack of nutrition, Luo Yu said urgently, "What do you say when the day is cloudy and dim?"
As he spoke, he looked at Mu Yuanling in his hand and worried. "No, this is fantastic!"
Luo Yu wants to come to this moment. All weird illusions are due to the fact that things are getting weirder and weirder after he got this wooden Yuanling. It’s better to accept it as soon as possible!
Thinking of this, his mind has moved Mu Yuanling into the five elements of the cave.
Luo Yu didn’t expect that the wooden tablet of the five elements of the cave would shine instantly after Mu Yuanling entered the five elements of the cave, and forcefully sucked Mu Yuanling in and embedded it in the wooden mark.
At that time, the five elements of the cave violently shook the muddy emptiness behind the wooden spirit tablet and instantly spread, revealing a vast expanse of stars! The milky way is full of vitality.
And just as Mu Yuanling is embedded in the huge face in the eastern sky of the wooden monument, a pair of slightly closed long and narrow eyes are slowly turning blue and the mountain is flashing …!
Sanskrit sounds like sounds from the avenue. "Buzz … Vientiane, I … Daoguo …"
I don’t know what it means to hear from outside?
Los feather so shocked to look at the huge face slowly open your eyes, a pair of deep and remote blue eyes are deadlock direction him!
This pair of huge blue eyes Luo Yu feels that she doesn’t belong to herself anymore! At the moment, he has been able to move the giant leaves and the giant vines, and the dragons and shadows are all set there like petrochemical.
It seems to be still.
At this time, the surrounding sky is dark, and it sounds like the Sanskrit has been screaming like nine deep and remote places, which makes people feel like they are in the inferno and all their organs are burning!
Luo Yu feels that his wrist seems to be cut off. Generally, the streamer operation of the five-color stone bracelet is slowly getting away from his wrist, but he can’t stop it! Your own god knowledge is the soul, and it seems that you will be annihilated by this Sanskrit vision.
Luo Yu is in pain at the moment, but he can’t make a sound.
Covered in cracks, blood is dripping, especially when the wrist is wearing a five-color bracelet, and the skin collapses inch by inch, followed by flesh and blood and meridians …
Great pain made Luo Yu want to faint.
This huge face is like a god, and he feels that he is not a worm than a small one! If you want to crush ants, you have to stretch out your feet or move your fingers, but now that huge face looks at you, your small body and fragile soul will turn to dust …
And he doesn’t even know who the other person is!
On the occasion of Luo Yu’s despair
"Hey ~!"
Suddenly, the front has split and broken, and suddenly it sounds like it can pierce the surrounding Sanskrit.
A figure in red pushed away the debris and stepped out!
The bearer is the clothes that know the world.
Yi Zhishi’s long hair stirred with his back to Luo Yu, and when he saw him throwing flowers in his hand, he waved his red sleeves and showed his arms to show a pair of long palms.
The ten colorful streamer silk threads thrown at the flowers by the fingers of Zhang Ji have instantly turned out and gathered and wound towards his fingers!
Guanghua’s circulation is only a flash, and the fingers have been exposed, and the flower-shaped cloud finger sleeves are like glazed jewels!
"Hum ~!" Clothing knows the world and refers to the softness of the palm as if it can wave the wind and cloud in Wan Li.
He stirred his arms and his fingers were like a pen. In front of him, he drew a picture of Fiona Fang’s huge streamer golden wheel.