Both of them were absorbed in the folding of the gas for a full wick sweet, but no one took the lead. A mountain breeze blew around the branches and leaves, but both of them were as if they had never heard of it.

Because both of them are already very clear in their hearts that they will lose or win or die at the last moment of this duel or be born in the last line!
A lux maple leaf suddenly fell slowly from the two people, just passing through the middle of them. At this moment, the two moved at the same time!
Jawadni palms together to launch this maple leaf, although Jawadni still has a distance of ten feet, but in the palm of his hand, it is like a very fast hidden weapons shooting at Ling Feiyang!
At the same time, Ling Feiyang’s sword also stabbed out and is stabbing this red maple leaf!
Ding! This maple leaf contains Jawadni’s vigorous qi, which is like an iron hitting the tip of your sword!
The body of your sword immediately bent sharply and almost became a semi-arc, but this maple leaf also fell to the ground!
Jawadni cold-hummed his hands and lifted the walls of Juyong. Pieces of blue bricks actually rose from the ground one after another. At that time, hundreds of blue bricks were suspended in the middle of the wall, surrounded by Jawadni’s body!
Jawadni can manipulate these blue bricks by means of "the great move of Gankun", which is neither an idea nor an energy field.
Jawadni suddenly drank a few hundred pieces of blue bricks that turned out to be overwhelming to Ling Feiyang!
Dugu nine swords and broken arrows!
Ling Feiyang’s sword was as fast as a flash of sword light, forming a large light curtain to protect Ling Feiyang’s body for a moment. These blue bricks were picked out by your sword and broken bricks fell to the outside of the tower!
Jawadni cold hum a few hundred pieces of blue bricks immediately flew up and pressed to Ling Feiyang again!
Snake-walking and fox-turning! Ling Feiyang’s figure is swifter than that of rolling and leaping in the middle, and he has come out from these blue brick gaps with a long sword like a silver snake to chase Jawadni!
Jawadni rushed forward along the Great Wall steps while manipulating hundreds of blue bricks to slam at Ling Feiyang. Ling Feiyang suddenly used his hands to fight each other, and his left palm kept flying the blue bricks and his right sword to follow Jawadni!
In the process of retreating, Jawadni once again used the mentality of "moving the Kun and Kun" to accumulate strength. In the face of the biggest enemy in his life, he has decided to devote his life to a fatal blow to Ling Feiyang!
Running to the highest point of Juyong Great Wall, Jawadni suddenly turned around and faced Ling Feiyang!
Ling Feiyang immediately stopped and saw that thousands of blue bricks on two people’s feet were flying up the whole wall together and gradually sinking in! If you go to the Great Wall like this again, I’m afraid this section of the wall will collapse!
Emperor Qin Huang and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty built the Great Wall of Wan Li to help the Han people resist foreign invasion. Although the Great Wall of Wan Li did not really stop the invaders, I don’t know how many soldiers’ blood flowed in this first barrier of Chinese territory and how many thrilling battles took place. Because of the weak national strength of the Song Dynasty, the Great Wall of Wan Li fell into the hands of the Jin State as early as the Northern Song Dynasty. At present, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the national strength of the state of Jin declined, and the Great Wall was occupied by Mongols.
For thousands of years, the Great Wall of Wan Li still stands tall even though the country is ruined. However, at this moment, Jawadni, the venerable teacher of the land, wants to destroy this section of the Great Wall of Juyong with amazing martial arts!
In this blue brick flying all over the sky, Jawadni and Ling Feiyang are gradually sinking! Jawadni suddenly pushed his hands together to Ling Feiyang!
Jawadni’s spectacular hand is the last move of the "Nine Hands", which embodies his 60-year-old skill. Jawadni is fully confident that Ling Fei will be killed in the palm of his hand!
Ling Feiyang knew that he had cracked the attack even if he made the lonely nine swords break his palm!
The reason for this is very simple, because the weapon that Jawadni attacked this time is actually not "palm" but "qi"!
This kind of "qi" is a combination of congenital vigorous qi and acquired true qi, which can kill people although it has color and taste!
Jawadni’s "Qi" was emitted through his hands, and the blue bricks everywhere were shattered into powder. At this moment, Ling Feiyang suddenly found that although he sensed the "Qi", he was able to resist this gas gathered by Jawadni’s lifelong skill!
However, there is no fear in Ling Feiyang’s heart, clutching your sword like a deep Yueshi!
Suddenly ling Feiyang rushed out to meet this "gas" with a sword!
Nine swords of dugu break the air!
The air-breaking style is the most abstruse sword among the nine swords of Dugu. In the legendary swordsman, even the bearer of the nine swords of Dugu failed to explain the truth to Ling Huchong, saying the word "God is United with one heart"
However, Ling Feiyang’s high qualification turned out to be the realization of this sword!
On the fist palm or weapon, there will always be some flaws. The most fundamental principle of the nine swords is to find all kinds of martial arts flaws, but only this kind of "qi" is difficult to even detect, and of course it is even more difficult to find flaws.
From the moment Jawadni just made his move, Ling Feiyang was looking for a flaw in the observation. However, he immediately found that there was no flaw in the "gas" of Jawadni!
"Even if there is no flaw, I will let him create a flaw!" Ling Feiyang suddenly turned his mind and stabbed out to meet this "gas"! to be continued
Chapter 539 great wall never pour
Nine swords of dugu break the air!
Although I didn’t find the flaw in Jawadni’s moves, Ling Feiyang’s sword was still greeted by Jawadni’s "Qi"!
At this moment, Jawadni’s thoughts are also turning rapidly!
"It is impossible for me to have a flaw in this’ qi’ root because I have spent my life working hard!" Jawadni first thought of this problem.
But looking at Ling Feiyang’s blade Jawadni’s heart is uneasy again!
"If there is no flaw, what will he stab with a sword? Since he dares to stab this sword, he must have found a flaw! " Jawadni thought of here and hesitated a little.
"No! He can’t find a flaw! " With a flick of his finger, Jawadni quickly returned to his original judgment.
However, at this moment, Ling Feiyang has really found a flaw!
Because Jawadni hesitated for a moment, the "qi" he sent out immediately became a little sluggish!
"Even if there is no flaw, I will let him create a flaw!" Through this psychological tactic, Ling Feiyang finally achieve his goal!
Ling Feiyang’s sword was stabbed in the center of this "qi" accurately and mistakenly, and this "qi" was immediately scattered by Ling Feiyang’s sword!
Seeing the sword in Ling Feiyang’s hand continue to stab himself, Jawadni knew that it was not good, and hurriedly recycled the vigorous gas and the true qi to use the martial arts of "respecting the glass body" to form a protective cover around his body!
"poof!" Ling Feiyang’s sword turned out to be carrying great qi and immediately shattered Jawadni’s protective cover blade "poof bursts" and pierced Jawadni’s heart!
Jawadni, die!
Jawadni died so suddenly that he didn’t even think of himself!
Ling Feiyang and Javadni have been making Dugu Nine Swords from beginning to end. Because of this magical swordsmanship, Javandni doesn’t need force to support him. In the drama, he forgot that Ling Feiyang’s work is not weaker than himself.
However, in the final blow to Jawadni, Ling Feiyang suddenly took Yu Junjian’s body skill. Because Jawadni’s skill has lost more than half of his "glass body", he was easily broken by Ling Fei!
Jawadni, the venerable man of sinful religion, died in Ling Feiyang’s sword. Ling Feiyang finally won the Great Wall Armageddon!
Thousands of blue bricks fell to the ground in the middle of the school, and the city walls no longer fell into the Great Wall of Wan Li, and finally avoided the fate of collapse!
The Great Wall of Wan Li, which stretches in the mountains, represents the indomitable spirit of Chinese sons and daughters. How powerful the enemy is, if he wants to destroy the Great Wall, he will finally bring about his own destruction!
Song Guoqun Xiong and the soldiers were delighted to learn that Jawadni, the venerable teacher of the religion, had been eradicated by Ling Feiyang, and they were more confident in the next day’s clearance war in Zhongdu. Unexpectedly, however, the war did not start.
Shu Chi, the Mongolian king, had long been in love with him. After learning of the death of Jawadni, the venerable man of the religion, he knew that the first world war would be lost, so he immediately issued an order to withdraw troops! More than 100,000 Mongolian troops outside the capital city have been evacuated one by one in just one night, leaving behind a camp.
Jin Aizong Yan Hong Shouxu helped lead 40,000 Jin Guo soldiers to defend the imperial city in Xixia, and now it has finally been completely cleared! With the withdrawal of Mongols, the eastern section of the Great Wall in Wan Li has to be recovered!
Shu Chi’s decision to withdraw troops is not only to flee for life, but also to protect its strength, so that Tuo Lei troops stationed in Zhongxing House of the former Xixia Kingdom will meet and wait for an opportunity to counterattack Song Jun!
It’s advisable to chase after the poor bandits with the remaining brave, and not to sell the fame and learn the overlord! Ling Feiyang and Marshal Meng Gong immediately decided to pursue Shu Chi’s marching intention!
Three-way Song army chased Shu Chi troops from three different directions, and general Xu Jin, Xie Hu and Ge Shilie, also led the defenders of Zhongdu City to cover up and kill them from the city to cooperate with Song Jun’s pursuit.
Shu Chi’s army fled for more than three hundred miles and was finally chased by the Song and Jin allied forces. After the war, it was killed to pieces!
A dozen masters such as Kalubio, the western patrol, and 3,000 Mongolian elite Tanmachi troops protected Shu Chi and Ba Dou’s father from breaking through to the west. After five days and five nights of desperate running, they finally entered the original Jin Guo Yan Road.
This extension road is less than two days away from the original Xixia Zhongxing Mansion. Shu Chi can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, when he passed the hukou of the Yellow River, he was ambushed by the Song people. These ambushers were not the regular army of the Song Dynasty but more than 5,000 ragged beggars.
In Ling Feiyang and Hong Qigong, unremitting efforts have been made by the Beggars’ Dirty Clothes Sect and the Clean Clothes Sect. The old man Lu Youjiao of the Dirty Clothes Sect and the old man Fan Chengju of the Clean Clothes Sect have jointly led these Beggars’ brothers to ambush in Shu Chi and make a fierce attack on the Mongolian Tanma Red Army!
Although the soldiers of Mongolian Tanma Chi Army are all elite fighters, they are still unable to resist these Wulin people. After fighting for more than half an hour, there are less than 1,000 people left in the Tanma Chi Army, and Persian masters such as Kalubio protect Shu Chi from rushing out of the battlefield and fleeing south along the banks of the Yellow River.