Howard is suspected to be a guy who is afraid of death. If he is not afraid of death, Hao Ren may be a dead body by now. He dares to fight for his life because he still has a successful hand and hit the scroll.

Howard tore the scroll gently, so his body was as fragile as a piece of porcelain, and cracks appeared in his bare skin, and blood was oozing out.
The scroll was finally torn and lost its image.
This is not the same as sealing the healing magic scroll, nor is it a sealed defensive magic scroll, nor is it a magic that goes against the sky with prayer or prophecy.
Level 13 strange magic "Medusa Gaze" advanced petrochemical magic will make the attacked object produce spar effect.
"Medusa Gaze" helped Howard stabilize the body that was about to collapse, at least on the surface! The spar skin does not crack and ooze blood, but at the same time, the strong spar effect also makes Howard lose his ability to act.
So the second scroll appeared. This is a sealed scroll.
Isn’t it strange that such a master has no familiar? That’s right. This scroll seal is Howard’s familiar, a super-order demon seal of the abyss of Warcraft. It has already appeared and occupied most of the enchantment. It keeps changing its body color, making this abyss of Warcraft look abnormal and disgusting, just like seeing a lump of living shit.
The octopus in the abyss has 20 tentacles with sarcoma far more than those in the mainland. One tentacle grabs Howard’s spar body and moves quickly to the coma snow.
Howard’s ultimate goal this time is the virgin snow and her artifact, the star Hao Ren and his Antagonist crusher. It is an unexpected surprise. Now he is not allowed to take the snow away and capture Hao Ren alive. Do it quickly! It is the right way. He released his familiar, received the master’s instructions, and the abyss magic chapter appeared, and the horse jumped on the ground. Of course, due to too many tentacles, several tentacles were separated and jumped on Betty’s arms, Hao Ren.
The abyss of Warcraft is famous for its ugly and ferocious appearance. This abyss magic chapter is a model. Not only does the body look like a stool tentacle, but it is full of all kinds of horny tentacles, and it is full of sharp teeth.
Being entangled in them will never be a good memory.
The fastest reaction among the people was that the dissociation ray in the hand of the old mage Rodriguez was fired for the first time, but obviously there was no chance that others broke out today. However, a master with hundreds of years of combat experience would not place his hopes on the illusory person to throw out the dissociation ray, and Rodriguez Ma prepared new magic.
The new magic spell is very short and almost instantaneous. At this moment, the fastest tentacle of the Abyss Magic Chapter has passed two-thirds of the distance between it and Rouxue. The bone staff in Rodriguez’s hand is pointing to the Abyss Magic Chapter.
"the law is shocking"
The body of the Abyss Magic Chapter stopped for half as if it had been frozen when it belonged to it! This is the magic power of the word, but it is not the great prophecy. For a super-order Warcraft, the deterrent power can last for ten seconds.
Ten interest rates are very short and long. There are many things that can be done with ten interest rates for experts.
For example, clench your fist, or clench another fist.
A delicate fist is wrapped by a delicate fist, revealing pink fingertips and wings! Sapphire-like wings bring up several ice flowers every time they flap. In fact, it flaps once, and when it reappears, its owner has come in front of those tentacles.
"Diamond Star Boxing"
If Hao Ren is still awake, he will laugh once!
Although the name is a little thunder, the effect is absolutely uncompromising. The rapid spread of ice crystals instantly covers most of the body of the abyss magic chapter, and then another fist appears. This fist is surrounded by a layer of pale hand armor and can’t see a trace of pale skin without a trace of anger.
Caesar fell from the sky like an eagle, and he chose to land in the center of the abyss where the magic chapter was covered with ice crystals. For mollusks, ordinary physical attacks are difficult to work, especially for the octopus Warcraft, which has strong regenerative ability.
Quick freezing makes their bodies as fragile as glass, and then pounding them into pieces. This is Rodriguez’s tactics. Hundreds of years of experience made him plan at the first time, and Betty and Caesar faithfully carried out his tactical arrangements, which hit this super-class Warcraft from the abyss in one fell swoop.
This result is not surprising. It is not surprising that both Betty and Caesar have the extraordinary strength to defeat a super-class Warcraft with the same level. They also know how to kill Rodrigues while you are ill. The third magic is also ready. With the fracture of a biological bone in Lao Luo’s hand, he shouted out the name of this magic.
"mordenkainen Shredding" used to be a powerful spell named after the dead king mordenkainen.
See the abyss magic chapter body constantly deformed as if it were torn by several big hands ~ ~ ~ Blood scattered like ink, splashing an abyss magic chapter, a tentacle and the body separated.
The sharp pain makes the body color of the Abyss Magic Chapter change faster. With the separation of tentacles and bodies, the struggle of the Abyss Magic Chapter becomes weaker and weaker. The only fly in the ointment is that Howard is not injured in the attack range of "mordenkainen Shredding". The hardness of Medusa’s gaze is beyond Rodriguez’s imagination. The crystallization of this 12-level strange magic is even unscathed.
However, this is not a big problem. I’m afraid it’s very difficult for Howard to move everything, such as putting something in his hand in his mouth. It takes him a long time to do it. The only thing to worry about is that he doesn’t know what magic props are left in his ring.
Caesar has rushed over, because a huge multicolored gem has appeared in his hand, and now it has reached his mouth.
Chapter DiYiLiu and I rob a woman!
Betty returned to Hao Ren’s side to protect her. She is still unconscious. Dad may have felt the death threat. The Abyss Magic Chapter suddenly struggled wildly. This struggle is at any cost. The bright red on the surface of the Abyss Magic Chapter represents that it is burning its own life at the moment.
This change really made Rodriguez unprepared and had to deal with it.