After overnight negotiations, the U.S. government succeeded in forcing the British government to make huge concessions. In addition to apologizing to the victims and their families, the British government also paid compensation of up to 100,000 U.S. dollars to the families of 21 victims. Nevertheless, many American civilians braved the snow to protest and demonstrate in front of the White House, demanding that the government punish the murderer and cut off the British government’s arms trade. "Stay away from war" has become a Christmas slogan for many Americans.

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Chapter 33 Churchill to hippel
When the last shovel was covered with snow and mud on the surface of the buried gold pit, Karen and others’ noses were already frozen. Soon, this wealth will contribute to the construction of the German Empire. More than 100 commandos will carry 5 kilograms with them and then put them on residential houses or street corners along the way.
"We all know this burial place, so I solemnly remind you that you must strictly observe this secret. After being captured by the British, you must not reveal this gold hiding place, otherwise it will defile the honor of German soldiers!" Karen glanced at the crowd. These are German soldiers who value honor more than life, but he still reminded everyone severely. "The previous level has promised that a quarter of the gold will be awarded to our commandos after the end of the British war. That is already a great fortune! Be content. I don’t want anyone to try to take this gold for himself. In that case, even if he escapes to a corner of the world, we will get him back! Is it white? "
"white!" Everyone replied with different opinions that they had joined the commando without money, but with the promise of that reward, their families could have a good life after the war.
"all right! Let’s go to the room first now! The heavy snow will soon bury us and leave traces. I believe that we will take them out with large troops before the snow melts! " Karen looked around, and it was already bright, and the snow was still shrouded in the world. It was very quiet around the farm, and there was no figure in sight.
There is white smoke in the chimney of that house not far away. It seems that the farmer’s family is enthusiastically preparing breakfast.
In the Atlantic, two fleets of different nationalities and sizes are drifting in this blizzard.
With the British special fleet Churchill, whose scale has been seriously reduced, the Americans have taken away most of the battleships. Now he is afraid of the battleships "Utah" and "Florida". According to Churchill’s evaluation, these two battleships are typical American battleships that are "not British battleships with firepower, not German battleships with armor, and specialize in bullying the 6 th Army and the weak navy, with first-class escape"
However, this does not mean that the level of American ship designers is very low, but that the United States is located in a geographical position and its competitors are the naval forces in the Pacific Ocean and the Americas. Except for the newly rising Japanese navy, these fleets are colonial fleets of some European countries. These fleets generally fly extremely fast cruisers and auxiliary cruisers. It is perfect for Americans to design this Florida-class battleship to deal with cruisers in the sphere of influence. Before the British navy was defeated, the US navy never thought about getting its hands on Europe.
In addition to Utah and Florida, there are four armored battleships in this special fleet. These once glorious members of the "Great White Fleet" have fallen behind in front of the ships, but they have two main turrets, four 11-inch or 12-inch main guns and weak armor. The British intend to use them as gunboats on the other side.
Another cruiser, 16 destroyers and 7 submarines in the fleet can come to escort. Raiding and harassing Churchill thought that they might be bigger than battleships. At present, the biggest "burden" of the fleet is the 4o carrier full of arms. Churchill, the main German battleship, is not worried. According to his information, except for the two battleships and a light cruiser in hippel, most German surface ships have been put into preparation before boarding in Britain. He thinks that those elusive German submarines are the biggest enemies of this fleet on its way home. Fortunately, this bad weather. To a great extent, it restricted the deployment of German submarines, and Churchill firmly believed that these ships could return to British soil safely and now was the best time.
After breakfast, hippel is waiting for the arrival of Deng Nici and other submarine captains on his flagship "Grand Elector". This afternoon, he will call a military meeting to deploy the British special fleet from the United States. According to the order of the German Admiralty, he has the command of all German warships in the Atlantic. hippel plans to ambush the French fleet before, which is similar to the tactics of battleships and submarines against Churchill’s mixed formation, but this time the first, second and third submarine formations in the Atlantic will all deploy submarines to participate in the operation. It is estimated that there will be as many as 70 submarines participating in the battle, which will be a veritable "wolf pack".
From this point of view, the gray warships have been covered with a layer of white snowflakes and heavy snow, and the sea surface has lost its usual color. From time to time, submarines with "petite figure and smooth skin" appear near the fleet composed of two large and one small warships. These black elves swim happily in the waves, and soon more than a dozen submarines gather next to the warships as planned.
When Lieutenant Colonel Deng Nici entered the conference room, all eyes were attracted by his blue Max Medal. As we all know, the new emperor, the darling of the imperial navy submarine force, has some close personal relationships, which also means that he has a promising future.
"General, nice to see you again!" Deng Nici walked up to hippel and gave a military salute. hippel also got up and greeted him.
"Long time no see lieutenant colonel or the butterflies! The vitality of young people is really enviable! " Looking at the commander of the formation in his twenties, hippel is sincerely envious of such achievements in the German Navy at such a young age. Deng Nici was the first one in a hundred years.
After greeting the other generals one by one, Deng Nici took a seat directly opposite hippel. hippel’s row was full of surprise fleet generals, while Deng Nici’s row included Lieutenant Colonel Sirmar, commander of the first submarine formation in the Atlantic Ocean, and Lieutenant Colonel Berhard, commander of the third submarine formation in the Atlantic Ocean. Others had come to join the surprise fleet.
"Gentlemen, let our ocean-going freighter’ Hill’ die first and 25 German citizens observe a moment of silence!" Hippel said in a dim tone, and the generals in the conference room immediately bowed their heads and observed silence.
It was a long time before hippel continued to talk about it.
"Here I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Because of the need of war, I’m afraid we will spend the Christmas in battle this year! You have worked hard, please give my most sincere condolences to every naval officer in the fleet! "
Although it is Christmas Eve in another day, there is not much festive atmosphere in the fleet. This sentence of hippel is a recognition and comfort for everyone who has been working hard.
"but this year we are likely to enjoy a very, very rich Christmas dinner! Because the British special fleet encountered some unexpected circumstances, that is, we know that the Japanese fleet forced into American soil yesterday, and its return flight was delayed. According to our spy report in Washington, the United States and Britain have now settled the above two issues through consultation. The Americans temporarily detained some British special fleet warships, and we still don’t know the exact number. According to the current speculation, the remaining British warships have set sail again! "
It seems that the officers can’t wait for this "Christmas dinner". They haven’t seen enemy surface warships for a long time since the reckless attack on the French fleet was annihilated by the German assault fleet and submarine formation. However, more than a dozen British submarines appeared in the Atlantic region from time to time. Once, a German submarine and a British submarine surfaced not far away, and the two sides greeted each other before they revealed their identity. After a hasty shelling, the two submarines dived into the water separately. After the German merchant ship’s Atlantic route was cleared up, the remaining British submarines and cruisers became the Atlantic region. In addition to blocking the British route, the German naval force was another important
"Does the general plan to set up an ambush ring by our submarine force to attack the fleet and deal with the fish escaping from the net, just like the French fleet?" Lieutenant Colonel Marr asked cautiously that he had no sense of superiority in front of a veteran navy like hippel. After all, in this era, compared with the main surface ships, the submarine force was still a junior in the navy.
"The two actions are consistent in tactical basis!" Hippel affirmed his speculation that "the second time we ambushed the French fleet, compared with this British fleet, the sailors were complicated and there were not many skilled veterans, and they were all new warships, and they were still very unskilled in warship operation. In this case, their warships’ maneuverability, shooting accuracy and shooting intensity were very limited. It is estimated that the combat intensity will not be too great. The disadvantage is that this time the British fleet is even larger and they are not directly coming for us. On the contrary, they are trying their best to avoid us. Therefore, searching for traces of that fleet is the key to the success of this operation!"
"Can we get information on the type and quantity of that British fleet warship before the battle?" Sirmar has another problem.
"If the American fleet returns to Norfolk military port, our spy will return the information and calculate it backwards. We can know how many warships are left in the British special fleet! It is certain that the size of that fleet has been greatly reduced! " For the German spy efficiency, hippel is obviously more assured that the US fleet can’t keep wandering in the sea. "In this case, our submarine force will cast a large net in the sea where the British fleet may pass to monitor and search, so that the chances of the British fleet will be greatly increased!"
"I’m sorry that I can’t fully agree with this method. First, the British fleet can choose unconventional routes so that we are likely to miss them; Second, the submarine deployment area is very large, and our submarine navigation is too slow. In this weather condition, even if the submarine sails on the sea, there are less than 12 knots. Once a submarine is in the British fleet, it is difficult for other submarines to get up and deploy an ambush ring in a short time! "
Lieutenant Colonel Burhard, commander of the third submarine formation, gave his own opinion to become a submarine formation commander. These three lieutenant colonel are bold and cautious people. If there are enough German cruisers and destroyers nearby, they can also tow the submarine to move forward quickly. Unfortunately, there are two battleships and a cruiser here in hippel in the Atlantic Ocean, and there are two other supply ships that are not warships but have high navigation and certain armed submarines.
Hippel’s plan still needs to be improved, which is the main reason why he invited everyone to the meeting today. While he was still thinking, Deng Nici also said something.
"General, can we spy out the scheduled route of that fleet from the British Admiralty?"
"At this point, I will ask the Admiralty and the Intelligence Department to try their best to cooperate! But the commander of the British fleet is Churchill, a very cunning old fox! Presumably, it is not impossible for him to try his best to avoid us changing the scheduled route! " Hippel, a veteran of the navy, is very familiar with the British naval generals. Since the shipbuilding competition, the German Admiralty has been studying the British navy as an imaginary enemy. Jared was captured, Betty was killed, and Hill was trapped in Plymouth. Now the British navy also has Churchill, which is a pillar.
"in this case, we still have to prepare for our own search! If only we had two seaplane carriers in our hands, their reconnaissance range could form a huge area with a length of 400 nautical miles and a width of 200 nautical miles, and seven or ten submarines would be needed for warning! " Burr, a face of regret said
"The seaplane carrier is attached great importance to the sea conditions! In weather like today, there is no way for a seaplane to take off for reconnaissance! However, I am thinking that if the submarine can also have one or two seaplanes, then the vision of our submarine force will be much broader! "
It’s a dreamy sea and snow scene outside the window, but it’s a dreamy suggestion for Deng Nici. Most people don’t care about it. There is a humble captain here who is interested in it. He silently kept this idea in his heart for a long time. When Chentian saw this research plan, he immediately approved his application, because in his previous world, Zhongshan 56, the mastermind of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, set his eyes on another strategic goal-Panama Canal, which was controlled by the United States and was the United States Navy. The connection between the Pacific Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet of the "Mingmen" is only possible. However, the Panama Canal is far from the ooo Sea in Japan, and the paralyzed Panama Canal is heavily guarded by American troops. After thinking hard, the mountain finally came up with a bold plan-to build a submersible aircraft carrier to carry out the "submarine mobile warfare of the main body of the underwater aircraft carrier group"
Put the plane into the submarine and carry out the war in World War II. At the beginning of World War II, the Japanese navy carried out an airplane test on the "Iraq" 51 submarine, and then the Japanese navy carried out experiments on the "Iraq" 21 and "Iraq" 5 submarines and finally succeeded. Although the navies of the United States, Britain, France and other countries also made similar attempts, France designed a "whale" submarine carrier with a displacement of 200 tons, but failed to go to Japan A, B-class submarines can take a variety of aircraft. The Japanese navy used to widely use the aircraft in submarines in actual combat. The small water reconnaissance plane flew directly to Oregon, USA to carry out bombing. This was the only attack on American soil by Japanese aircraft in World War II. However, with the repeated defeat of these submarines in the Pacific battlefield, the Japanese lost the opportunity to perform a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor from the water.
Deng Nici suddenly remembered something: "Is the home port of the British special fleet plan Plymouth Port?"
"At present, we haven’t got the phase information! However, judging from the current defense situation of various military ports in the UK, it should be the most suitable! " Hippel dragged Ba for a while and thought, "If we want to counterattack our army from the sea, ports such as Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow and Edinburgh are too far away, and other smaller military ports are too weak in anti-submarine and anti-raid capabilities."
"According to common sense, it is speculated that the British special fleet can walk along the new york-Liverpool route for a while and then turn south near Ireland; Or take the new york-London route and turn directly into Plymouth Port after entering the English Channel; Or sail in the non-fixed channel of these two routes. Which navigation mode would the commander of the British fleet choose? "
After hippel finished, everyone fell into thinking. If there was no victory in the naval battle in September, the German surprise fleet might really want to avoid the British siege fleet
On the far side of the Atlantic, Churchill and his generals also discussed on the fleet route.
"No, we shouldn’t take a fixed route! Sharks are waiting for German submarines! If you want a torpedo, we will equip a division with arms! " Advice to a few British officers, Canadian Brigadier General Jobbity opposed the idea that since the Great War broke out, one-tenth of Canadian volunteers went to Britain to fight in the war, and they were killed in a German submarine torpedo on a ship. Canadians hated and feared German submarines. In this British special fleet, Canadians controlled warships for one third, while the rest were volunteers recruited from Australia and New Zealand. Churchill also hoped to recruit some American sailors, but the US government strictly prohibited American citizens from joining this fleet.
The British have their own opinions. "But the general’s 4o freighter can’t stand the toss! We’d better choose the nearest straight route and then pass through the frequent activity area of German submarines in the dark. This is the policy! "
"Don’t forget that half of the merchant ships recently sunk in the Atlantic Ocean were lost after nightfall!" The Canadian refused to budge, and it was his duty to do his best to ensure the safety of those Canadian sailors, even though Canada was one of the most loyal dominions in Britain.
"Now the sea conditions are very bad. If we enter the non-fixed route again, we can’t even guarantee the 10 th flight!"
"Good good! Stop arguing! " Churchill waved impatiently. He called these people here to see if they had any better opinions. Now it has turned into a fierce debate. I wish I had made up my mind.
"I decided to take the new york-Liverpool route. The fleet first entered the port of Liverpool, and the transport ship stayed in Liverpool to unload other warships and then went to Plymouth from there! Let’s seriously implement it. Those who disobey orders will be dealt with by military law! " After receiving the award from the Admiralty, Churchill became the once imposing Churchill again.
Chapter 34 Scattered wealth boy
The farmer walked slowly to the fireplace and threw a few thick sticks of firewood into the warm fire in the pile of houses. It was still snowing all over the window.
"Mr. Green, thank you very much for hosting us. It’s time to go!" Karen walked up to the British old man and gave a standard British military salute. Other commandos also got up and prepared to leave.
"It’s so snowy outside, let’s wait until the weather is better!" The farmer seems to be very hospitable, although Karen and others can dry up their food in a week.
"No! We still have! I hope peace has come to this land when I see you next time! " Karen smile, which is very rare at ordinary times. that snow and snow outside naturally bring inconvenience to the team, but it is also the best time for the commandos to carry out the "money-distributing operation".
"I hope so!" For the upcoming war, the farmer hopes to see the war end as soon as possible.
"Brave soldiers, may God bless you!" Mrs. Green also crossed herself.
Karen took one last look at this interesting and sad Englishman, and then walked firmly towards the door. When the door was hit, a snowstorm poured in. The commandos woke up a lot. The family just didn’t know their identity. After all, they were British and were Germany’s number one enemy before the war ended.
Winter in England is not particularly cold, and the temperature is generally not lower than 5 degrees. So it seems that Karen and his team have touched the coldest weather here in a year. After several seriously injured people were carried by wagons, the motorcade composed of cars and oxen and wagons left Karen again. Karen intends to disperse these vehicles and discard them to places far away from the farm. Finally, the commandos will March on foot, which will also minimize the trail of the team.
The Atlantic Churchill special fleet is also trying to hide its whereabouts.
"report! Admiralty to report! " Communications officer said the newspaper to Churchill.
After reading it carefully, Churchill took out a lighter and lit the paper with an orange flame. Before it burned out, his face showed an elusive expression.
"Send a code report to the Navy Department. We will first go to Reykjavik Port Fleet in Iceland to replenish supplies!"
"yes! Do you want to send a signal to the ships? " Communications officer asked seriously.