"Brother Tian, don’t worry"

"No one can hurt Mr. Su unless I die!"
Ling day nodded again told Sue elegant attention.
This just looked at the car out of the yard.
There is no support from nine small families behind Zhao family, but Sun Moon Shintoism is in control.
I’m sure there won’t be much problem with Tong Feifei.
Su Qingya left Lingtian and left home.
Road Leng Yun Summit and heading for the eastern suburbs.
Ling Tian sat in Leng Yunfeng Rolls-Royce repose.
In my mind, I’m thinking about waiting, such as taking Hua Min and not letting her run away again
Leng Yunfeng looked at Ling Tianze with shock in curiosity.
This is the first time he has seen Ling Tian.
However, Ling Tian’s name has long been known as a cocoon.
Especially what happened last night Leng Yunfeng already knows.
Not only is Hua Min injured and hiding in the eastern suburbs.
There are even three masters, Laurence family, Feng family and Mu family, who died!
And these people are folded in the hands of Ling Tian.
It can be said that Ling Tian single-handedly crushed four Gu Wu family masters!
This fighting capacity is enough to shake the whole Jianghu.
No wonder the Lord of hades seldom shows up, and most of the time Ling Tian is in charge of things.
Ling Tian is definitely a powerful assistant!
In the future, if he wants to replace the young master of Hades Hall and become the real master of Hades Hall.
Lingtian must be a hurdle that can’t be crossed!
Or you will accept your own effectiveness.
Either you can kill it!
Either way, he has to do a good job first.
Soon the eastern suburbs arrived.
Parking LengYunFeng toward LingTianGong worship said.
"Ling is less!"
"Please sit down and I’ll take someone to capture Hua Min."
Leng Yunfeng finished preparing the car but was stopped by Ling Tian.
"Hua Min is very strong. Ordinary people are not rivals."
"I’d better go there myself!"
LengYunfeng one leng then quickly way
"I am with Ling Shao!"
Ling day wanted to think and didn’t refuse.
Two people in LengYunFeng hand led quickly to the door of a small hotel.
"Ling Shaohua Min is in Room 32 of the hotel."
"And she doesn’t seem to have any Jianghu experience."
"My people have blocked all the exits, and she knows it."
"This time she can’t escape!"
Leng Yunfeng, with a face in mind, made a statement to Ling Tian.
"Don’t take it lightly!"
Ling day eyes a clot stepped into the hotel on the third floor.
Stopped at the door of room 32.
Then suddenly fly up and kick the door.
The room suddenly rang in alarm.
See Hua Min wrapped in white gauze gauze with blood oozing.
Sitting in bed dealing with the wound.
At the sight of Ling Tianhua, Min rubbed it up.