One clan force, that is, when it is strong, it may prompt the humanitarian imperial court, the first Tianbao Power Department. At that time, even if it can’t stop the demon race’s attack, it will leave a hard time for the demon race to erase its wounds.

However, Feng Zichen also has a chance to strike. After the blow, he will otherwise be torn to pieces by furious Di Jun Taiyi.
This is a desperate move, and Feng Zichen won’t move until it’s absolutely necessary.
After a blow, the era of Terran Lich is completely over.
The loss of literature, the loss of masters, the death of several people and the return to the original era are estimated to be the real situation of Terran at that time.
"You are right!"
"After the tribe retreats, we can let go of the demon race’s first world war and not be distracted to take care of the tribe, thus affecting our combat power."
For the wind zichen discussion, everyone is very much in favor of the people. After they leave, they have no scruples and have more means to move.
"I wonder how many Taiyi Golden Fairies will be sent by the demon clan?"
Everyone is worried about this.
after all
There are too many fairies in the demon family.
So many that all the immortals in Terran combined are not as many as them.
If the demon race sends tens of thousands of Taiyi Jin Xian, they can still block a block against the chaotic large array, but if the demon race sends hundreds of thousands of Taiyi Jin Xian, the Terran will hang up.
Tens of thousands of Taiyi Jin Xian teamed up with the cloth congenital large array to make Luo Jinxian lose his temper, and even worse, hundreds of thousands.
"You need to worry too much!"
"It’s the same sentence that the vast land is the place where the witch clan is not the place where the witch clan can want."
"They send people, but they will never send too many, or they will kill as many people as they want if they offend the witch family."
"Even the great cause of the demon family can’t bear the price."
"According to my calculation, the number of Jin Xian sent by the demon tribe to Taiyi is no more than ten times that of Jin Xian, the Terran Taiyi, and any more words will be targeted by the witch tribe."
"The robbery is difficult, but my Terran is not without hope."
The wind zichen calm analysis to all.
Hundreds of thousands of Taiyi Jin Xian stormed into the wild land. It’s hard to know whether it’s terran or witch.
After all, is it so exciting to deal with a small terran?
Is the witch clan will never allow hundreds of thousands of demon clan Taiyi Jin Xian to enter the vast land, and the demon clan will never lose its mind to send so many demons.
Of course, if the demon family really sends so many demons to the witch family, they don’t mind destroying their department, which just weakens the strength of the demon family. Why not?
"Ten times the gap is big, but we may not have a chance to fight hard."
The wind zichen such an analysis, they also want to understand the Mid-Autumn Festival expression, although still dignified, but the in the mind is somewhat relaxed.
"Well, I won’t leave you guys after the war. Get ready to go."
"But before that, you can send your families to your ancestral land."
Seeing that everything has been arranged, Feng Zichen waved to the crowd, but he asked them to send their families to their ancestral land.
This is not to keep hostages, but to protect them.
No matter how the Terran says it, Nu Wa Niangniang created the race. No matter how strong the demon race is, it must leave him a decent Terran who dare not do everything to completely destroy it.
The demon race will definitely leave the Terran with a chance.
And that line of life is only the Terran ancestral land in the East China Sea.
After all, there is the enchantment of Nu Wa Niangniang, and the demon race is arrogant and dare not break into this place.
Not every demon race is Di Jun, not afraid of Nu Wa Empress’s revenge.
The wind zichen let the people send their families to their ancestral lands and just tell them.
Even if the humanitarian imperial court is broken by the demon race and the Terran is devastated, your families will be fine and will still live well.
This is to reassure them.
It’s also a reward for guarding the Terran to the death.
Terrans never mistreat meritorious people.
"Can the rules of our ancestral land be broken by our waiting?"
"Besides, the Terran is willing to give birth to me, support me and wait for me to die, and it is necessary to reinvent the wheel."
Smell speech all face changed nasty said
As early as many years ago, the Terran made a rule that all Terrans should not stay in their ancestral lands for long, except for the first generation Terran who picked Jin Xian.
Nowadays, in addition to being unable to cultivate mortals, the ancestral places of life are monks who have never been cultivated into immortal Taoism.
Most of them are young people.
And these young people
It’s all terran future!