Luoyun is still embarrassed and ashamed, but he suddenly wakes up when Sangkeer pulls this little friend!

Is not passionately to pull back to mulberry Kerr is twisting and tearing, don’t forget to scratch hair grunted, "if it weren’t for me, you crazy woman would have been swallowed by a giant snake and still dare to touch my hand? I have to tear you … Aye ~ Aye! Where do you touch it? "
"Look at the little fairy picking peaches!" Sangkeer can be described as an endless stream of coup.
Xiao Luoyun has never seen such a crazy and shameless woman? Is covering her crotch to defeat.
Luoyun every cloud has a silver lining received the fifth-order demon Lord Wisteria Giant, and the storm finally subsided.
However, they did not have any joy because of this, but they soon became worried about landing on the island.
At the moment, however, the "volcanic island" is another scene.
With the passage of time like water, Luo Yu and others have been less than two or three miles away from the’ volcanic island’
They used to look at the latosolic red and dark brown island from a distance as an erupting volcanic island, but they didn’t want to get closer before they found out what volcano it was! Fen is a huge dark brown spar mountain island as smooth as a mirror.
From a distance, Jingshi Mountain is about 300 feet high, and a huge canyon is faintly cracked in this mountain, which divides the Shishan Mountain into two or so symmetrically and evenly, just like copying it.
The canyon is as red as fire and seems to be faintly distorted by the heat wave!
And the seemingly static’ volcanic cloud’ on the top of these two halves of the SPAR mountain turned out to be a giant tree, whose branches are thicker than the roots, and the crown leaves of crystal rocks on both sides burn like red fire, even if they are two or three miles away, they seem to feel the intermittent heat waves!
What a fire!
The most important thing is that there are red arcs around the crown of the tree, and thunder and thunderbolts keep flashing across the two mountain canyons
As if this valley in the SPAR mountain was hacked by thunder!
They overlook this towering’ Jianmu’ and don’t have a big mouth.
Wei Shang and others have already bound the bamboo rafts and rattan by the bamboo rafts and feathers.
He looked up at the fiery giant wood, shocked and even forgot to fan the flowers, and repeatedly marveled, "Is this the Tongxu wood that the Taoist said can lead to the tomb of the Red Thunder Zun and return to the market?"
Longqiu xi he also exclaimed, "Look at this huge towering building. It’s a suspicion of Tongxu Wood."
Bai Lianxing seems to know a lot about the ancient saying. She looked at the fiery giant tree, and recalled that "Lianxing once read the ancient books in the Heavenly Palace. Returning to the market is a fairy town, crossing the reincarnation, and connecting the vast world with a small world. It is normal to want to be buried here as a red thunder honour person."
When everyone heard that the fairy gods came to the market, they were attracted by the topic of Bai Lianxing.
Wei Shang was surprised and asked, "Oh ~ Tong Xianshen Town? Is there a chance to ask immortals when entering Guihui? "
Bai Lianxing smiled and shook her head. "Being immortal means having the opportunity to communicate with the immortals in the world or being cared for by the immortals. One or two things are not soaring to become immortals, but the town of gods means the only deity in the world guarding the market-Indra."
"Indra day! Is there a god? " Everyone was shocked.
Looking at the sky and building a wooden feather, I feel that this flame-shaped giant tree is simply bigger than the fuso tree on Fuso Island! He asked doubtfully, "So, the building of the wooden market and the return to the market can connect the immortals but not the two worlds. Can there be immortals sitting in the town now?"
Everyone’s eyes are looking forward to it.
Obviously, they also want to know.
After all, aren’t these monks outside the mountain just practicing truth and realizing enlightenment?
If there is really a fairy in the returning market who doesn’t ask for energy, it will soar to the celestial world and ask for energy. It is also a great luck!
Chapter 443 Gui Hui Tong Xian Gu Yu Jing Lock Fire Shan
Look forward to everyone’s eyes
Bai Lianxing shook his head regretfully. "In ancient books, it was recorded that there were gods guarding the market in ancient times, but when the war between good and evil broke out, I returned to the market as if I was influenced by external forces, and the fairy trace became Jidi forever …"
Xiao Luoyun heard that he was depressed and hung his shoulders. "Alas, can you still meet the fairy god?" Hey ~ I ran away for a long time. "
Luo Yu once read the inscription on "Heaven" and knew something about the Three Realms and Five Immortals.
He patted Luoyun and said, "Isn’t Fairy just like you and me? To God, it’s just that the immortal is blessed or in charge of heaven, or can adjust the law to seal the official position of God. "
See Xiao Luoyun hear some stupid forced Luo Yu smile pointing to Bai Lianxing Wei Shang metaphorically, "Like misty rain pavilion is a mountain and sea god, just like you love Sister Xing and Wei Epiphyllum, it is the same as Qingyun list, so God is stronger than the fairy."
"So that’s it!" Xiao Luoyun suddenly looked triumphant at Wei Shang.
But then he frowned and pouted. "Wei Epiphyllum, what are you doing? You are the weakest in the Qingyun list, even if you put it in the celestial world, it’s a dish … What … Yes! Door god "
At that time, everyone burst into laughter.
"Ahem!" Wei Dagong was almost choked to death by Xiao Luoyun.
However, his character has always been free and easy, but he didn’t care. Instead, he took a hundred flowers folding fan and beat Luoyun. "No matter how small it is, it is also a’ god’! You’ve been eating and sleeping all day and want to be on the Qingyun list, but you don’t know the year, month and year? "
Luoyun angrily patted the fragrant hundred flowers folding fan, rubbed his itchy nose and muttered supercilious look, "I will challenge you in the next Qingyun list."
"Say that I can wait for you." Wei was hurt and gentle.
Everyone smiled and remained silent.
Obviously, Luoyun’s poor strength now is a big gap if he wants to challenge Wei’s injury, but he still encourages and praises Luoyun’s ambition.
Luo Yu looked at herself and said, "What was your previous injury?"
The White Love Star smiled sweetly, "It’s a big deal."
Luo Yu nodded and shook the jade hand in the palm of his hand "Follow me when landing"
Bai Lian star peeked behind her to chat with everyone. She lifted her beautiful eyes and stared at Luo Yu, then withdrew her hand and said, "I don’t have the strength yet. Do I really think I am that big talk?"
Looking at the beauty side poking fun at Luo Yu has always been thick-skinned and spread his hands. "Who told me to be rough?" No way is to fight! "
Before Bai Lian star spoke to him, he came to stand tall like a bodyguard. He nodded out, "The Taoist body is really strong, and behind the temple, you can add the protection of the flying emperor’s uncle. You can also safely display the law and land on the ground."
It is true that Bai Lianxing thinks about it. Although there are many of them, almost everyone is good at array except Longqiu’s. However, if it is difficult to form a large array when landing, if someone resists first, it can reverse the situation from display.
As for the disciples, they talked about returning to the market and said that when they landed, they had slowly approached the waters less than a mile away from Jingshan Island.
But at this moment, it seems to be close. Luo Yu suddenly pointed to the top of the giant fire tree and exclaimed, "Look at that giant tree, it seems that a rotating gate is suspended!"
They looked far away, and sure enough, a stargate was suspended at the top of the giant wood.
Bai Lian star carefully looked out and saw that the huge gate seemed to be vain with two huge gold characters-Tongxu!
At this time, Luo Yu also found the golden word "Tong Hui! It seems that this building wood really leads to the market. "
After all, the destination of this trip is the place where the venerable Red Thunder returned to the market.